Monday, June 20, 2011

Letter from June 14, 2011

Hi Mother,
  How are you? How did things go this last week? Have you been able to sell any homes recently?  I hope so, just hearing from members here work stinks, so I hope it's better for you there.
  Work has been good.  It's had it's ups and downs, but it's been pretty steady.  We've been really busy, mostly trying to find people to teach, I don't know why people don't want to listen.  It amazes me that people really can't seem to understand what is really important in this life, and that they haven't done those things to enjoy it.  I mean, is it really so hard to want to live with our Father in Heaven again and do those things so that we can?  It's EASY, but I don't know why people can't get it.  Though, that's why I'm out here I guess, and why I have to "open my mouth, and speak with a loud voice".  Just be bold.  Hey, at least a life skill that will come from this I won't be so embarrassed about asking a girl out now!  So, all those years of training finally paid off! 
  The Branch and the Ward though are just amazing!  I love the Hmong people, and I'm thankful so much for them.  They've taught me a lot and I'm truly greatful for being here.  And then the San Diego 10th members are just great!  Most of the members are older so I feel like I'm surrounded by a bunch of grandparents everytime I'm there.  It's nice sometimes to be spoiled, but I've got a purpose.  Well I hope everyone is safe and that all is well.  Give Nathan and the little ones kisses for me and tell everyone I love them.  I'll write some letters today to go along an e-mail.  I love everyone and love hearing what's going on in the family.  Love ya'll and hope all is well!
Elder Wise

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