Monday, June 20, 2011

Letter from June 7, 2011

Dear Mother,
  Last week went great!  We had an opportunity to have one last MTE with President Donaldson this past Thursday and Friday, and have I sad how much I love my mission President and his wife? They are great people, and I'll miss them dearly when they leave after this transfer.  President Donaldson has really changed my mission and I'm bound and determined the rest of my life as well.  It's been great serving here and I'm sad to say that it's hard for me to show or tell you how much I've been growing, but I've been working hard on those Christlike attributes.  Oh, and by the way I didn't forget that ya'lls anniversary is tomorrow, that Nathan turns 16 on Thursday or that it isGrandma Horne's birthday on Friday.  I wrote everything down in the Calendar that you gave me and I've been good about keeping on track with important dates.  I am thankful very much for the choice that you and Dad made to start a family, and for all that you've taught us, especially me, while growing up.  Though it may seem that we aren't listening at times, we are.
  Well, things are going good.  We've been really working with our branch and ward leaders to help missionary work hasten.  And on top of that we've found a new investigator in the Hmong community.  It's actually the son of a member who was never Baptized, but that now wants to.  We've had two lessons with him and he now has a Baptismal date for July 2nd.  You know, there is something extraordinary in being bold and following the Savior's admonition to "lift up your voices with the sound of a trump".  And I know it's true, there is overwhelming evidence that it is, and besides the witness of the Spirit I've received, it's true.  And it's sooooo simple.  Faith, Repentance, Baptism, Receiving the Gift of the Holy Ghost, and Enduring to the End, that's the Gospel, that's the Doctrine of Christ, that is what I'm out here teaching people.  Not extending a hand of friendship just for another church, or a "club", but I'm extending salvation unto exaltation.  That's what it is, nothing else.  That is what this work is about, truly how important this work is.  And I love it, there's nothing else like this in the world.  Maybe ya'll will get a glimpse of what has been going on here with me, but Mother, just to quote Elder Bednar here, "I just want to be a good boy".  I love you Mom, and of course Dad as well, but I love this work, I'm changed and I don't want to change back, I refuse to.  I'll write ya'll next week with probably some more pictures.  You can send this e-mail onto family, and if you want post this one, it's up to you.  Tell Nathan and Grandma happy birthday and give him kisses from me.  Also give Jaxon kisses for last week.  I'll be sending a letter too, so expect that in the mail.

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