Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Letter from April 12, 2011

Hello from California! 
  Things have been going well here in the sunshine state!  The work is going great and things are looking up for us.  This month we actually have three Baptisms!  One is for Nathan, another is for the adopted sons of a Less active member we've been teaching.  Their names are Anthony and Ashton Hayes, and the third is for a new investigator we taught for the first time last week named Donna.  We commited her on the first lesson and she said yes!  We're excited for the decisions they're making in their lives!
  Today is acutally a sad day as well.  It's the day before transfers and Elder Ipsen and I found out this morning that our area is actually going to be "whitewashed" which means both of us are going to be transfered out and brand new missionaries are going to take over.  We don't know where we're going to be transfered yet, but we'll find out tommorow and I'll tell ya'll next week.  All I know so far is that neither of us will be training, so we're just waiting to see now, but both of us have to pack everything up tonight which is pretty sad. 
  Other than that things are great.  I'm totally LOVING my mission and I'm glad that I'm having the experiences daily that I'm having.  Thank you all for your prayers and your thoughts and know that ya'll are in mine daily!
Elder Wise4

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