Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Letter from May 24, 2011

Dear Mother,
  I know how your missionaries feel.  Elder Insong had Pnemonia two weeks ago, and I had a bad sinus infection last week, so we were pretty unhappy.  But, all is better now, and we're getting back to work.  Transfers are tomorrow so I'm excited to see what's going to happen.  We're having A LOT of good Elders going home, including my Trainer Elder Ipsen, but he's coming back this weekend and so we'll see each other.  I think I almost have him convinced to room with me at BYU when I get back.  That'd be fun.  I found out the other day that in order to be a tranier for big sports teams I've got to go to medical school, so we might have a doctor in the family yet! I'll wait till I hit my year mark then I'll start praying about it.
  Things are going pretty good.  The language is coming along nicely....sorta. I can read the language ok, but speaking and understanding it are coming a little slower, which is normal for something like this.  But, we've got some more work to occupy us in another Ward, the San Diego 10th, we're now responsible with some other Elders for that area.  I'll start getting some pictures of me and some members.  That's one thing I forgot to get in Lemon Grove, but I've got some time to get back there and get some. 
  The works going great though.  I love the people, and I'm eating a lot of interesting food.  I think one of the members wants to feed me chicken feet so I'm probably going to get some pics of that. Other than that, things are great! I'm loving the mission, and it's only getting better.  I'll let ya'll know what happens with transfers next week!  Give everyone hugs and kisses for me, especially the birthday boy!!!
Elder Chaj Li
Nyob Zoog!
  How is everyone?!  It's been a little while since I've sent a family letter, but some stuff has actually I guess it's warranted. 
  Things have been going ok here in San Diego.  Along with the Hmong Branch I'm now also serving in the San Diego 10th Ward so we've got plenty of work to do!  I'm tired everyday which is good, according to President it means I get the work, so I'm tired.  Other than that things are ok with the Hmong.  The language is still a little iffy.  I can read it ok, but other than that it's pretty hard to understand and speak it still.  I can say a few phrases, but it's still tough.  I love the Hmong, and it's funny to have the little mis-communication that comes when trying to communicate, but it's a little frustrating at the same time. 
  Things are great though, it's weird thinking that I've almost been out for 6 months, I'll hit 6 this next transfer.  It's going by soooo fast, and it feels like it's been no time at all.  Soon enough, I'll be stepping off the plane, but not until I do all the work that the Lord wants me to do.  I'm excited to be here, and it's sad to see all the missionaries leaving, including my trainer who leaves actually today, but I've got some work to do. 
  Can't wait to hear from ya'll and hope that the Birthday Boy has a great day!!
Elder Chaj Li 

Letter from May 17, 2011

Nyob Zoog Mother (<- Means Hello),
  This week has actually been a slow one for us.  Elder Insong got Pnemonia last week, so we stayed in almost the entire week, and then I've picked up a head cold I'm guessing from him, so this week so far has been slow as well.  But, never fear, I still have plenty of medicine, and wonder of wonders since I'm in the states I can get more!
  Other than that things have been going ok.  We have a few people in the Hmong community we're teaching and then we're focusing on trying to find people in the other Ward in which we're serving now as well, so we've got plenty of work to do.  Missionaries have only been back in the branch for about two transfers before I got here, so things have been untouched for a long time.  I don't have any pictures of members yet, but I'm planning on taking some this next week. I've got some more to send this week as well, so you'll catch up on stuff I've been doing. 
  Love ya'll and hope everyone's doing well.  Give everyone hugs and kisses for me!
Elder Wise4

Friday, May 6, 2011

Another note from a friend

Paul Norris, a friend of the Horne family, is currently serving in the stake presidency of the Chula Vista Stake in San Diego.

Debbie - I did hear about the transfer, we had stake conference a couple of weeks ago and at dinner President Donaldson related how when he and his wife were making transfers, they both felt the inspiration to make such a transfer and then when made both elders had also had the spirit whisper to them prior of the pending change. Your son is doing the Lord's work and he is close to the spirit and is doing marvelous things. The only down side is he probably won't make transfers to our stake when his language skills among the Hmong branch. But - there are always the Mission President's firesides and we are in the rotation of hosting every few months. The alignment of the mission boundaries is tremendous, we will be losing about half of our missionaries to cover the new wards and stakes, but that is ok - the north county also needs to be called to repentance... President and Sister Donaldson are winding down their mission, they leave June 30. They have quite busy and great work has been accomplished, the new Presidency will take us even higher. Paul

Letter from May 3, 2011

Dear Mother,
  Things are going ok.  We've been pretty busy with all the changes going on in the mission.  We actually just took over two areas from the Carlsbad mission the Pensaquitoes and Poway stakes so we've been scrambling to get missionaries up there and to figure out how things will work with taking over two new zones so things have been fun. 
  Things have been going ok in the Hmong branch though.  We've just found out as well that we're going to be helping out in another ward so we're scrambling to figure out what we're going to do.  The language is going ok.  It's a little hard to pick up, but I've actually found that's it's been easier to learn than when I took Latin in high school, probabaly because it's so tonal and I've had a little training in learning tones (a.k.a Choir).  My companion right now is Elder Insong who is from the Philipines.  He's a pretty cool Elder and we've been working hard on figuring out how to work together better. 
  Concerning Mother's Day though, I've actually found out that we're allowed to Skype!  So, it's quite possible that if I find a member who has Skyping capabilities that I'll be able to see ya'll not only talk to ya'll.  If I can, I'll call first to get it set up and I'll let ya'll know right then.  But, I'm planning on calling about 5 o'clock our time so it'll be about 7 ya'lls time.  So, expect a call from California about that time.  You'll know it because it'll be a 619 area code.
  That's pretty much it, I'm still waiting for pictures of my new niece, whom I am very excited to see.  But, if you could just let everyone know that I'm doing good and that I could use some heavenly help learning this language than I'd appreciate it.  I promise that next weeks e-mail will be even better, with lots of pictures as well!
Elder Chaj Li (<-- That's my Hmong name FYI, you don't say the last letter, it's the tonal indication it's said Cha Lee)