Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Letter from May 17, 2011

Nyob Zoog Mother (<- Means Hello),
  This week has actually been a slow one for us.  Elder Insong got Pnemonia last week, so we stayed in almost the entire week, and then I've picked up a head cold I'm guessing from him, so this week so far has been slow as well.  But, never fear, I still have plenty of medicine, and wonder of wonders since I'm in the states I can get more!
  Other than that things have been going ok.  We have a few people in the Hmong community we're teaching and then we're focusing on trying to find people in the other Ward in which we're serving now as well, so we've got plenty of work to do.  Missionaries have only been back in the branch for about two transfers before I got here, so things have been untouched for a long time.  I don't have any pictures of members yet, but I'm planning on taking some this next week. I've got some more to send this week as well, so you'll catch up on stuff I've been doing. 
  Love ya'll and hope everyone's doing well.  Give everyone hugs and kisses for me!
Elder Wise4

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