Friday, May 6, 2011

Another note from a friend

Paul Norris, a friend of the Horne family, is currently serving in the stake presidency of the Chula Vista Stake in San Diego.

Debbie - I did hear about the transfer, we had stake conference a couple of weeks ago and at dinner President Donaldson related how when he and his wife were making transfers, they both felt the inspiration to make such a transfer and then when made both elders had also had the spirit whisper to them prior of the pending change. Your son is doing the Lord's work and he is close to the spirit and is doing marvelous things. The only down side is he probably won't make transfers to our stake when his language skills among the Hmong branch. But - there are always the Mission President's firesides and we are in the rotation of hosting every few months. The alignment of the mission boundaries is tremendous, we will be losing about half of our missionaries to cover the new wards and stakes, but that is ok - the north county also needs to be called to repentance... President and Sister Donaldson are winding down their mission, they leave June 30. They have quite busy and great work has been accomplished, the new Presidency will take us even higher. Paul

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