Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Pictures from the MTC

Here are some pictures from Sean's two weeks at the MTC.  I don't have a lot of specific details, but I'm assuming these are all pictures of Elders in his district.  

Sean and his cousin, Brandon Horne

Who knows?

Can't go to the MTC without taking a picture on this board :)

I kind of get the impression that the Elders spend any free time that they have taking pictures of each other.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

February 15, 2011

OKIE DOKIE!!!  Hahaha, time to start writing everyone and telling what's been happening.  Well, first off here is a list of the different investigators we've been working with in Lemon Grove:
Martin (Hispanic)- Martin is in his 40's and he is just a humble guy.  He had a Baptismal date a week before I got here, but he got cold feet and backed out of it.  We've been working to ease those concerns he's been having and he's coming along great.  He really is a great man.
Adelina Stewart- She's the 12 yr-old daughter of a recent convert that lives right above us.  She's incredibly smart and mature for her age, but she's just had some questions about the need to be Baptized again since she already was into her grandmother's church.  After her 8 yr old brother was Baptized two weeks ago, I've spoken with her and she says she wants to be Baptized and then sealed in a year to her family. (I've spoken with her about the Temple before)
Nathan Lerma-  Nathan is a 17 yr-old boy whose father contacted us through a member he works with.  I think his dad just thought we were counselors, but we've at least convinced Nathan otherwise.  Nathan reminds me a lot of myself a few years ago, so it's very easy to relate to what he's going through and show him how the Gospel really can help and bless his life. 
  Right now, those are really the only investigators we've really been working on since they haven't been Baptized.  Mostly in this area is reactivating in actives and fellowshipping recent converts.  But, we're hoping that things will pick up for us.  We know things will happen in the Lord's time.  The Temple has been closed for cleaning this past month so I haven't had a chance to go yet, but I believe we're going in two weeks, the first P-day in March.  Things have been going great though, the weather has just been perfect and I'm starting to gain weight! Only two months out and last I checked I've gained about 6 pounds! I guess there is something to this going to bed on time, waking up early, and working out business...who knew?  Hahaha, well, I'll make sure to be better on writing ya'll, things have just been busy is all. Love ya'll bushels and bushels way up to the sky and beyond!!!!!!
Elder Wise4

Pamela Lindsay-  She's a 50 something yr old woman we street contacted one day.  The first time we met her we started talking about Joseph Smith being a prophet and how he say a vision and she was like,"Ok, that makes sense, now what next?"  I started laughing because I really wasn't expecting that, but she's just a humble lady that is just willing to learn.

February 8, 2011

Well, I guess I'll just start with HI!,
    Hahaha, ok so I've heard enough about the snow and all I have to tell you is DEAL WITH IT! Oh, and that it's about 70 every day here.  Hahaha, not that I want to move here yet, but I'm hoping the weather doesn't corrupt me.  It's great to hear from everyone, and mom thanks for those addresses.  I've enjoyed reading your e-mail about stake conference and I have to say that those messages are the exact same ones we are getting here every single day. 
  First off, I had the opportunity to confirm the son of a recent convert this past weekend after Elder Ipsen baptized him, and hopefully soon we'll baptize his older sister.  She's very intelligent and mature for a 12 yr old and it's interesting talking with her.  It's weird though being tired all the time, but being extremely happy at the same time.  Elder Ipsen and I joke around a lot while we're walking or riding in the car, but when it comes time to teach or prepare you know that this isn't the work of man, but the work of our Heavenly Father.  It's so hard though seeing people exercising their agency not to listen, it's the reason why we have agency, but it's still soooooo hard to not to say, "just be quiet and open up your heart, what we have to say is important".  We're teaching a couple different people, one of which is sooooooooo close to being a member, but he's letting little distractions get in the way of the Spirit.  He's felt it before, but he isn't just acting on it, he's thinking to much! Hahaha, oh well, we've received two more refferals this week and hopefully those two will turn into investigators.  We don't go from door to door anymore, so we have to rely on street contacting or on refferals from other missionaries or the Mormon Battalion, which by the way, you need to come see.  The new center is REALLY COOL!!! Hehehe, well, that's about all I can think of to say right now, I'll probably write a letter later if I think of anything else.  Oh, we went to Seaport Village last week and I took some pics so those will be coming.  And let me know asap if ya'll get some way to listen to microcassette tapes.  I'll start sending them.
Love Ya'll....hehehe
Elder Wise

February 1, 2011

Wow, so much has happened since last Tuesday! Ok, first off, mom, the first pictures I sent to you are pics from the MTC, if it doesn't have me in them, don't worry about it, just say they were Elders in my district, and tag the ones with me.  The next couple photos are of my first week here.  The Elder with the bad haircut is Elder Jones...he asked me to give him one, I told him I didn't know how, but he insisted I do that was a learning experience.  Secondly, my companion is Elder Cory Ipsen from Riverton, Utah.  There should be a couple pics of us at the Temple, and some of him in the apartment with a guitar.  The redhead is Elder Mendenhall, he's from Highland, Utah and Elder Jones is from Kearns, Ut.  Those two are Spanish Elders that we share an apartment with.  I'll try and make sure I say who is in the photos as I start sending them home.  There were just A LOT to send home this time, and I didn't have time to label all of them. 
  Ok, so time to say how the mission is going so far!  These first two weeks have been really busy! First, I'd like to say that there are a lot of "interesting" people here in Lemon Grove.  But, the work goes well.  We no longer go tracting, so we have to rely on street contacting and refferals for new investigators, but we got about 5 new ones last week, and another one just yesterday.  I have a car here in my first area, so it's been pretty nice not having to walk around all day yet.  We still get our exercise in though, especially since the high right now is only in the 70's or so.  (I just remembered that I needed to tell Grandma that she did send enough cookies and that they all love her now for them, so thanks Grandma!!)  Elder Evans and his wife came and spoke with us last Thursday and when I went up to shake their hands they asked where I was from and at first I only answered "from the Dallas area" since really no one knows where Flower Mound is.  He asked from what city and I said Flower Mound he asked if I knew the Foote's and I was surprised because not only have I known them forever, but then he said she was his sister.  So, we got to talking and he said he just had to take a picture and send it to them and to ya'll, so once again we find that the Church is a small world. 
 The work goes well though, it really makes me sad though when people just won't open up their hearts.  We had an investigator the other night who just would not listen and I wasn't getting angry at him, just got really sad by just listening to him.  Though, those experiences just once again reinforce my testimony and make it stronger.  This work is where I need to be, and I know I'm doing the Lord's work. 
Well, that's about all I have to say for now, one last request though mom, could you by chance send me the Homer's address please? I'd like to write to Zach.
Elder Wise

January 25, 2011

I think It's just easier to write one letter and then you can send it out to people hahaha.  I have safely arrived in California and my first week here has been great!!  I've already extended one baptismal invite, three invitations to attend church and a few more to read the Book of Mormon!! My first area is a little city called Lemon Grove and my trainer's name is Elder Ipsen.  We share an apartment with the Spanish speaking elders in our ward whose names are Elders Mendenhal and Jones.  All three are great guys/Elders (I really can't call them great guys :P ) but I have learned a lot from them from just being in the field a week.  Mother, you can tell Aunt Becky that Elder Moreno from the District was my first teacher at the MTC and that I've met the rest of the elders and sisters in the videos.  Elders Christensen and Hepworth still have about one transfer left and so I've gotten to talk to them quite a bit.  I've had  A LOT of teaching experiences by the Spirit already and I really see that Satan really does not want this work to progress.  Oh! And obviously my P-days are on Tuesdays, so expect me to be on the computer about 10 my time every week.  It'd be fun if we could e-mail back and forth!! :P  Hahaha, well anyways, I'm learning quite a bit and I'm really sad that President Donaldsen is leaving, he truly is inspired of God. OH! President and Sister Donaldsen were in Chula Vista last Sunday and who did they run into? President Paul Norris who started talking about knowing our family and I had no idea who he was when Sister Donaldsen talked to me about him yesterday at interviews.  I wonder why that could be?... Oh well, I'll get to know him sooner or later.  Mom, about the jeans, you can send me any pair that isn't too bad, I just need something to do service in when it gets chilly (which it is early in the morning and in the evenings).  I'm fine on shorts though.  Well, I better send those photos, and there's quite a bit so bear with me while I send them in multiple e-mails.
Elder Wise

January 18, 2011

Your son, Elder Wise has safely arrived in the mission field. I am delighted to have him serving with us among the wonderful people of Southern California. In addition to the tremendous weather and scenery, we have remarkable missionary opportunities.

He is part of a new training pilot for the Church. You should feel it a great honor that the Brethren have placed such confidence in him.

Thank you for sending such a wonderful missionary to our mission. I am confident that with your prayers and his hard work that he will have a rich experience here in San Diego that will bless both him and those he teaches.

I have attached a couple of pictures that were taken this afternoon at the Mission Home.

God bless you for your sacrifice in sending us your son to labor among some of Heavenly Father's choicest spirits.

Lee Donaldson
President, California San Diego Mission  

January 17, 2011

Ok, now that I have people's e-mails I can finally speak with all of you in a pretty orderly manner, and I can address all of you at once.  But first off, mom I just had to get my 2nd HepA and they told me not to use any of my travel money to pay for it.  So, since I don't have a debit card, if you could call 8014228940 and pay that would be great.  Insurance should be able to reimburse you, I'm sure Dad knows how.
  Now that that is addressed I can address the rest of ya'll.  The MTC has been great!!!  I'm in the new pilot program here, which will be MTC wide come June, but we're the guinea pigs and I have to say that it's been a pretty good program.  The Brethren have become more concerned with teaching "people" instead of "lessons" so that was basically all we focused on while in class.  Well, that and learning to teach by the Spirit, which I am learning to kick myself everytime I have a prompting during an investigator and I don't immediately act on it.  I've already had three progressive investigators while here.  Well, considering that two of them were our teachers "role-playing" investigators on their missions.  We were told to call it "real-play" and that helped so much in the teaching process.  Our third investigator was a staff member in the Training Resource Center.  Their entire job is to reenact their conversion process with the missionaries... And when I say everything, I mean everything.  It was really as if we had an actual investigator because I didn't know who the staff member was, and it was their questions and concerns that they had before they were members of the church.  It truly was a spirtual opportunity for me to actually teach a "real" investigator before I was out in the field.  I'm sry to say though that I didn't get to work in the call center because of being in the new program.  OH! Before I forget since I have only 30 min to e-mail while here, Josh I ran into an Elder Robertson from Caldwell Idaho.  He said he knew your family and the Eric Wise family as well.  We ran into each other in the restroom after last nights fireside and I mentioned Caldwell to someone and he really lit up because noone else he'd talked to had ever heard of Caldwell. 
   Well let me just tell you who came and spoke to us while here.  First, we heard from Elder David A. Baxter from the 1st Quorum of the Seventy and it turned out that our teacher was his daughter when we asked her the next day.  We didn't think it was a coinicidence when she said she was from Ipswich, england and that her maiden name was Baxter...She didn't think it was important to tell us she had a General Authority as a father...Well anyways, next we heard from someone truly amazing!!! ELDER HOLLAND CAME AND SPOKE TO US!! He was there to set apart the new MTC presidents around the world, and he decided to speak with us last Tuesday!! Really, I wish that ya'll could've been here to listen to him, I took notes, but I really don't think that they do him justice.  Dad, the brethren are concerned with missionary work, and so next I e-mail I'll tell of some of the things their changing.  I don't have much longer, so give everyone BIG hugs and kisses for me.  I really won't be holding a kid for two years so it makes me sad..... :(
Elder Wise
ps I'll call you mom from the airport if I can