Tuesday, February 15, 2011

January 25, 2011

I think It's just easier to write one letter and then you can send it out to people hahaha.  I have safely arrived in California and my first week here has been great!!  I've already extended one baptismal invite, three invitations to attend church and a few more to read the Book of Mormon!! My first area is a little city called Lemon Grove and my trainer's name is Elder Ipsen.  We share an apartment with the Spanish speaking elders in our ward whose names are Elders Mendenhal and Jones.  All three are great guys/Elders (I really can't call them great guys :P ) but I have learned a lot from them from just being in the field a week.  Mother, you can tell Aunt Becky that Elder Moreno from the District was my first teacher at the MTC and that I've met the rest of the elders and sisters in the videos.  Elders Christensen and Hepworth still have about one transfer left and so I've gotten to talk to them quite a bit.  I've had  A LOT of teaching experiences by the Spirit already and I really see that Satan really does not want this work to progress.  Oh! And obviously my P-days are on Tuesdays, so expect me to be on the computer about 10 my time every week.  It'd be fun if we could e-mail back and forth!! :P  Hahaha, well anyways, I'm learning quite a bit and I'm really sad that President Donaldsen is leaving, he truly is inspired of God. OH! President and Sister Donaldsen were in Chula Vista last Sunday and who did they run into? President Paul Norris who started talking about knowing our family and I had no idea who he was when Sister Donaldsen talked to me about him yesterday at interviews.  I wonder why that could be?... Oh well, I'll get to know him sooner or later.  Mom, about the jeans, you can send me any pair that isn't too bad, I just need something to do service in when it gets chilly (which it is early in the morning and in the evenings).  I'm fine on shorts though.  Well, I better send those photos, and there's quite a bit so bear with me while I send them in multiple e-mails.
Elder Wise

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