Tuesday, February 15, 2011

January 17, 2011

Ok, now that I have people's e-mails I can finally speak with all of you in a pretty orderly manner, and I can address all of you at once.  But first off, mom I just had to get my 2nd HepA and they told me not to use any of my travel money to pay for it.  So, since I don't have a debit card, if you could call 8014228940 and pay that would be great.  Insurance should be able to reimburse you, I'm sure Dad knows how.
  Now that that is addressed I can address the rest of ya'll.  The MTC has been great!!!  I'm in the new pilot program here, which will be MTC wide come June, but we're the guinea pigs and I have to say that it's been a pretty good program.  The Brethren have become more concerned with teaching "people" instead of "lessons" so that was basically all we focused on while in class.  Well, that and learning to teach by the Spirit, which I am learning to kick myself everytime I have a prompting during an investigator and I don't immediately act on it.  I've already had three progressive investigators while here.  Well, considering that two of them were our teachers "role-playing" investigators on their missions.  We were told to call it "real-play" and that helped so much in the teaching process.  Our third investigator was a staff member in the Training Resource Center.  Their entire job is to reenact their conversion process with the missionaries... And when I say everything, I mean everything.  It was really as if we had an actual investigator because I didn't know who the staff member was, and it was their questions and concerns that they had before they were members of the church.  It truly was a spirtual opportunity for me to actually teach a "real" investigator before I was out in the field.  I'm sry to say though that I didn't get to work in the call center because of being in the new program.  OH! Before I forget since I have only 30 min to e-mail while here, Josh I ran into an Elder Robertson from Caldwell Idaho.  He said he knew your family and the Eric Wise family as well.  We ran into each other in the restroom after last nights fireside and I mentioned Caldwell to someone and he really lit up because noone else he'd talked to had ever heard of Caldwell. 
   Well let me just tell you who came and spoke to us while here.  First, we heard from Elder David A. Baxter from the 1st Quorum of the Seventy and it turned out that our teacher was his daughter when we asked her the next day.  We didn't think it was a coinicidence when she said she was from Ipswich, england and that her maiden name was Baxter...She didn't think it was important to tell us she had a General Authority as a father...Well anyways, next we heard from someone truly amazing!!! ELDER HOLLAND CAME AND SPOKE TO US!! He was there to set apart the new MTC presidents around the world, and he decided to speak with us last Tuesday!! Really, I wish that ya'll could've been here to listen to him, I took notes, but I really don't think that they do him justice.  Dad, the brethren are concerned with missionary work, and so next I e-mail I'll tell of some of the things their changing.  I don't have much longer, so give everyone BIG hugs and kisses for me.  I really won't be holding a kid for two years so it makes me sad..... :(
Elder Wise
ps I'll call you mom from the airport if I can

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