Tuesday, February 15, 2011

February 15, 2011

OKIE DOKIE!!!  Hahaha, time to start writing everyone and telling what's been happening.  Well, first off here is a list of the different investigators we've been working with in Lemon Grove:
Martin (Hispanic)- Martin is in his 40's and he is just a humble guy.  He had a Baptismal date a week before I got here, but he got cold feet and backed out of it.  We've been working to ease those concerns he's been having and he's coming along great.  He really is a great man.
Adelina Stewart- She's the 12 yr-old daughter of a recent convert that lives right above us.  She's incredibly smart and mature for her age, but she's just had some questions about the need to be Baptized again since she already was into her grandmother's church.  After her 8 yr old brother was Baptized two weeks ago, I've spoken with her and she says she wants to be Baptized and then sealed in a year to her family. (I've spoken with her about the Temple before)
Nathan Lerma-  Nathan is a 17 yr-old boy whose father contacted us through a member he works with.  I think his dad just thought we were counselors, but we've at least convinced Nathan otherwise.  Nathan reminds me a lot of myself a few years ago, so it's very easy to relate to what he's going through and show him how the Gospel really can help and bless his life. 
  Right now, those are really the only investigators we've really been working on since they haven't been Baptized.  Mostly in this area is reactivating in actives and fellowshipping recent converts.  But, we're hoping that things will pick up for us.  We know things will happen in the Lord's time.  The Temple has been closed for cleaning this past month so I haven't had a chance to go yet, but I believe we're going in two weeks, the first P-day in March.  Things have been going great though, the weather has just been perfect and I'm starting to gain weight! Only two months out and last I checked I've gained about 6 pounds! I guess there is something to this going to bed on time, waking up early, and working out business...who knew?  Hahaha, well, I'll make sure to be better on writing ya'll, things have just been busy is all. Love ya'll bushels and bushels way up to the sky and beyond!!!!!!
Elder Wise4

Pamela Lindsay-  She's a 50 something yr old woman we street contacted one day.  The first time we met her we started talking about Joseph Smith being a prophet and how he say a vision and she was like,"Ok, that makes sense, now what next?"  I started laughing because I really wasn't expecting that, but she's just a humble lady that is just willing to learn.

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