Tuesday, February 15, 2011

February 1, 2011

Wow, so much has happened since last Tuesday! Ok, first off, mom, the first pictures I sent to you are pics from the MTC, if it doesn't have me in them, don't worry about it, just say they were Elders in my district, and tag the ones with me.  The next couple photos are of my first week here.  The Elder with the bad haircut is Elder Jones...he asked me to give him one, I told him I didn't know how, but he insisted I do it...so that was a learning experience.  Secondly, my companion is Elder Cory Ipsen from Riverton, Utah.  There should be a couple pics of us at the Temple, and some of him in the apartment with a guitar.  The redhead is Elder Mendenhall, he's from Highland, Utah and Elder Jones is from Kearns, Ut.  Those two are Spanish Elders that we share an apartment with.  I'll try and make sure I say who is in the photos as I start sending them home.  There were just A LOT to send home this time, and I didn't have time to label all of them. 
  Ok, so time to say how the mission is going so far!  These first two weeks have been really busy! First, I'd like to say that there are a lot of "interesting" people here in Lemon Grove.  But, the work goes well.  We no longer go tracting, so we have to rely on street contacting and refferals for new investigators, but we got about 5 new ones last week, and another one just yesterday.  I have a car here in my first area, so it's been pretty nice not having to walk around all day yet.  We still get our exercise in though, especially since the high right now is only in the 70's or so.  (I just remembered that I needed to tell Grandma that she did send enough cookies and that they all love her now for them, so thanks Grandma!!)  Elder Evans and his wife came and spoke with us last Thursday and when I went up to shake their hands they asked where I was from and at first I only answered "from the Dallas area" since really no one knows where Flower Mound is.  He asked from what city and I said Flower Mound he asked if I knew the Foote's and I was surprised because not only have I known them forever, but then he said she was his sister.  So, we got to talking and he said he just had to take a picture and send it to them and to ya'll, so once again we find that the Church is a small world. 
 The work goes well though, it really makes me sad though when people just won't open up their hearts.  We had an investigator the other night who just would not listen and I wasn't getting angry at him, just got really sad by just listening to him.  Though, those experiences just once again reinforce my testimony and make it stronger.  This work is where I need to be, and I know I'm doing the Lord's work. 
Well, that's about all I have to say for now, one last request though mom, could you by chance send me the Homer's address please? I'd like to write to Zach.
Elder Wise

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