Tuesday, March 8, 2011

March 2, 2011

  This last week has been amazing!!!  While it didn't seem like we have been teaching as much as we need to, Elder Ipsen and I have about 5 new investigators that we're planning on teaching this next week!  We've also given two Baptismal dates for two of our investigators.  One to Nathan for the 23rd of April (A long way out I know, but that's when he said he felt he would be ready), and one for Adelina this SUNDAY!!! AND SHE ASKED ME TO BAPTIZE HER!! Can you tell I'm excited?!?!?!?!  Hahahaha, I love my mission.  We took Pamela to the Temple last Wednesday for a lesson and she LOVED it.  She really is a choice spirit.  She called us yesterday, and it just so happened that it was my day with the phone, so I got to talk with her, but she started asking a question about 1 Nephi I believe chapter 13 v. 33-34.  While I was explaining the verses to her over the phone I hear her say, "Ok, that makes sense, that's where I am now, and if you had just made me read v. 35 to the end it would've answered all of my questions".  She heard me laughing on the other end and asked if I was laughing at her, she loves to joke with me, and I said that I wasn't laughing at her, I was happy because even though we never told her, she's already begun to apply the scriptures to her and she's receiving personal revelation from them.  We're planning on inviting her to be Baptized tomorrow so hopefully we'll have two this month!!
  Well, that's basically been my week, it's had its high and lows and the torrential rain fall we've had hasn't been helping matters, but it's been sunny and warm these past two days, and today was just too perfect a day not to go to the Temple, so we went through an Endowment session this morning.  And Ashley, I'm sorry, but I've decided to get married in the San Diego temple so....HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! You'll just have to wait till I'm sealed there! Hahaha, things have really been going great and I love receiving mail from ya'll.  Keep your eyes out, there should be some letters in the mail from me soon!
Elder Wise4

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