Tuesday, March 8, 2011

March 8, 2011

So let's see here, where to begin?  Ok, so last Sunday was the Baptism of Bibiana Adelina Gonsales the daughter of a recent convert Sister Lusson!  She asked Me to Baptize her! ME!  A fumbling, bumbling almost 20 year old who was so afraid I'd forget the words, or drop her in the water, or have to repeat everything, but what do you know, when the moment came to perform the ordinance I didn't even think, I just did and the words came and everything went perfect!  The Lord's hand is in everything we do and it is sooooo evident that he wants this work to get done. 
   Well, right now things are going ok, we're finding new people and we have about two people with a Baptismal date right now.  I'm tired all the time, but I'm having soooo much fun!  President Donaldson says that the reason we're tired is because we get the work, and we feel the responsibility that we have.  If that's the case then my body knows something that my mind is having a hard time catching up with!  Hahaha, well I love each and every one of you and I can't wait to see ya'll in TWO YEARS!!!  RWH!
Elder Wise 4

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