Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Letter from March 22, 2011

 Dear Mom,
  You're kidding me?! Casey Ward's boyfriend was baptized and I wasn't there?!?!?! That's disappointing, I wanted to be there, oh well the Lord needs me here for now.  ...
  It's been raining the past few days, but the sunshine has finally returned.  I'll make sure to take some pictures of P-day today, it should be an interesting one...we're having a basketball tournament between some of the zones and ours is pretty fired up about it.  I think some people have even gone and gotten jerseys...Oh, two points of interest I'm looking forward to:  May 1st Elder Bednar is coming to speak at the Sweetwater Stake conference so if I'm not transfered before then I get to meet him! And, on April 26th Elder L. Tom Perry is coming to meet with both the Carlsbad and San Diego missions so I get to go up to Del Mar and meet him! Two Apostles within the space of a few days? Who knew we were so blessed?!
   And lastly, there was a promise that President Donaldson told us when we first arrived that has really helped me stay here.  He told us that when he was getting set apart he heard a very specific blessing pronounced upon him.  President Monson told him that if he served faithfully that the Lord would bless him with the best missionaries he had to offer, and that we would do more to hasten the work of the Lord in these last days than any other group of missionaries.  That blessing has shown me that I am where I am supposed to be.  I have been prepared by him to serve here in San Diego, and that I will bless many of our Father's children while I am here.  I am where the Lord WANTS and NEEDS me to be.  I am my Father's child and, to quote Jesus Christ, I am about my Father's business.
  I love you Mom and hope you and everyone else know that I pray for you daily.  I miss ya'll, but I'm not quite ready to see ya'll again yet.  I've got some work to do, and some miles to walk before I can see ya'll again.
Elder Sean Michael Wise

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