Tuesday, March 8, 2011

More pictures

Sorry for the long break between posts.  Sometimes things just get a little bit crazy!  I WILL do better.  I promise!  I am glad to know that people other than Dave, Debbie and I are reading this, though!

Anyway, I'm posting some pictures that Elder Wise has e-mailed us.  I have also posted his letters from March 1 and March 8.  There was not a family letter on February 22.

Elder Wise and his mission president, President Donaldson.

Elder Wise with all the other newbies.

Elder Ispen, Sean's companion, and Elder Wise with Serena.  Serena asked the missionaries to baptize her.

Serena with her grandmother (left) and mother (right).  Serena's mother is a member, but her grandmother is not.

Baptisim of Jayden.  Jayden is the son of a recent convert.  Elder Ispen baptized him and Elder Wise confirmed him. 

Barbeque at the Lusson's.  Sister Lusson is a recent convert.  Sean had the opportunity to baptize her daughter. 

They may be missionaries and eagle scouts, but they still can't resist messing around with fire!

1 comment:

  1. It's fun to see that Sean is doing great. He reminds me of his Dad, which is a very good thing. =)
