Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Letter from 7-19-11

Dear Family,
  First off, happy birthday to Dad and to Grandpa Wise!!  I'm sorry I didn't include it in my last e-mail, things were busy that day.  Well, my new area is in the San Diego 1st ward!  I cover Old town, Downtown, all the way to city heights.  I'll let you do the research on what kind of area I'm in...needless to say I think the Lord is having fun putting my in interesting places.  My companion now is Elder Kanuch, yes the same one that I came out with.  We're getting along great, and we're having fun at the same time.  We're finding too that we've got a lot more in common that we previously thought.
  We're spending a lot of our time right now going back over refferals we've recieved and former investigators, just trying to build the area back up.  Something cool that happend the other day though was pretty cool.  We were walking back to our apartment after grabbing some food from down the street and we just started talking to a guy that was walking next to us.  We just started asking questions then Elder Kanuch asked him if he was religious.  After that question we got his information and permission to call him and stop by and teach him.  He soaked up everything and it's just further proof that the Lord has prepared people for us to teach, we just need to open up our mouths and speak.
  I'm kinda jealous of everything that's happening with the family, but I know I've got some work to do still.  I love each of ya'll and miss ya'll dearly.
Elder Wise

Letter from 7-12-11

But Mom, I'm not supposed to open mail on non-P-days!!!  Hahaha, the other elders wanted to know and I couldn't wait so I opened it, sorry!  Well, my birthday was good and I've got some more news.  I'm actually getting transfered tomorrow.  I'm a little bummed about not staying in the Hmong, but I think I'll be back soon.  Sounds like dad's been having an interesting time seeing the inner workings of missionaries throughout all the world. 
  Well,  I've had an interesting week.  My knee started acting up and hurting so I had to go to the doctor to find out what was wrong.  Don't worry, everything's ok, my knee is just being dumb.  I've got things to help now so I'm going to get back to work.  I don't have my camera with me, but I've got pictures of stuff that's happened.  Hmong has been coming along nicely.  I'm able to speak a little bit more, I'm going to ask President if I can continue to study it after I'm transfered.  I've gotta get going, I promise I'll send some experiences next week!
Love ya'll!
Elder Wise

Letter from 7-5-11

 July 5, 2011
Dear Mother and Family,
  Thank ya'll so much for the box and the digital picture frame.  I love ya'll soooo much and I'm happy to see all the wonderful things ya'll have been up to.  Mother, I wish I could've been there to hear you sing, I miss it A LOT!  Everyone, give each other big hugs and kisses from me, and I'll be greatful.
  Well,  this last week has been pretty slow.  We really didn't get much time yesterday for Independence Day, we had to be in by 6, but we got some work done.  I won't be able to see fireworks though for two years, let alone hold some, so I'll be excited for that.  I've got some pictures of another Hmong family that I'll send, but things are kinda wrapping up here.  I spoke with President Donaldson before he left and he said something along the lines that I'd be transfered, so I'm only looking at this as a little reprieve, but I think I'll be back with the Hmong at some point.  There's still a lot to do and I hope I can come back and work with them again. 
  Speaking of President Donaldson leaving, our new mission President is President Clayton from Utah! (go figure) But, the big news is that he's Elder Ballard's son-in-law...so follow the logic and you'll figure out that Sister Clayton is his daughter.  Crazy eh?  She's already said to expect A LOT of visits from him and in fact we have one later in July where he wants to meet all the missionaries so I'll let you know how that goes. 
  Well, I've got to get going, lots of things to do today.  I'll send the pictures with names.  Hope everyone is well, and I love and miss all of ya'll!!
Elder Wise

Letter from 6-28-11

Dear Mother,
  This past week has been pretty good.  Elder Insong and I have commited to making these last couple weeks of the transfer the best, so we've been trying our hardest.  We're a little sad that President and Sister Donaldson are leaving us this Wednesday, but we're excited to have President and Sister Clayton coming.  I'm looking forward to learning from him for the rest of my mission.
  Good news though, Martin was Baptized!  After months of deliberation he went to a Mission President's fireside and came up to us afterward and said he was tired of not making a decision.  I've also heard that he's been ordained a Priest and he's already gone to the Temple to perform Baptisms for the Dead.  I've been so excited for him since.  I'll send some pictures home as well as a video and pictures of me performing the Haka.  We did it I think a week ago for President.  But pictures are coming.  Oh, and tell Chris and Becky when they get home that I ran into Elder and Sister Woodbury out here.  The Church is a small world.  Thanks for all you do mother and tell dad as well.  Thanks for still teaching me.
Elder Wise

Letter from 6-20-11

Dear Mom and Family,
  First off Happy Birthday to Stephen on Friday!!  I had it written down in multiple places so I wouldn't forget.  I hope you have a great Birthday!  I'm writing a little later this afternoon because this morning we went to the Temple.  It's only been my second time while being here in San Diego, and I'm sad that we can't go more often.  It's such a wonderful place and I love being there.  There was two couples in our session as well that were being sealed to each other tomorrow so it was great having them there and congratulating them afterward.  I'm pretty sure that I'm going to have to take Ashley's idea and get married here.  This Temple is just tooo beautiful.
  Well it's been just wonderful hearing from each of you.  Things have been going alright here in California, we've had our ups and downs, but we still carry on.  One thing that impresses me everyday is how involved President Donaldson with each of us.  Elder Insong and I were having a tough time the other day, so we called President for some help.  After talking with him for a bit I came to a realization: When we focus on ourselves, no matter what it is, whether it's getting along, or anything else, instead of focusing on helping others receive ordinances of salvation the work suffers and as a result we don't like it.  Keeping an "eye single to the glory of God" is the only way that this work can be done with any cheerfulness in heart and truth be told with ALL of our "might, mind, and Strength".  After realizing that and really trying to internalize it I understood why though I try to be cheerful everyday, it was tough trying to throw off the adversary and his attempts to halt this work.  And it's not just with Missionary Work.  It's for every day of our lives.  Just like when Peter took his eyes off the Savior and " But when he saw the wind boisterous, he was afraid; and beginning to sink, he cried, saying, Lord, save me."  He saw the sea crashing around him, or in essence, the sound of the world yelling out at him, and taking his eyes off the Savior for a second, he started to sink.  The same Peter who was sent in the beginning, and the same Peter who knew that Jesus was the Christ by it being revealed by the Father took his eyes off the Savior and began to sink.  How much more of a need have I to keep my eyes on the Savior and stay "walking on water"?  I guess now that I know at least some things, as President Heber C. Kimball said, "You can't sin so cheap no more."  I am greatfull for each and everyone of you and I am thankful for a Savior who has deemed me worthy to represent Him here with the people of California.  I can't express enough gratitude everyday for the Plan that our Father gave so that all of us can return to live with him again.  I love each and everyone one of you and miss you. 
  Tell Madison good job on her recital, I love the pictures they are adorable.  I'll be the envy of Elder in the mission because I have the cutest girl back home!  Give everyone else big hugs and kisses for me!
Elder Wise