Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Letter from 7-5-11

 July 5, 2011
Dear Mother and Family,
  Thank ya'll so much for the box and the digital picture frame.  I love ya'll soooo much and I'm happy to see all the wonderful things ya'll have been up to.  Mother, I wish I could've been there to hear you sing, I miss it A LOT!  Everyone, give each other big hugs and kisses from me, and I'll be greatful.
  Well,  this last week has been pretty slow.  We really didn't get much time yesterday for Independence Day, we had to be in by 6, but we got some work done.  I won't be able to see fireworks though for two years, let alone hold some, so I'll be excited for that.  I've got some pictures of another Hmong family that I'll send, but things are kinda wrapping up here.  I spoke with President Donaldson before he left and he said something along the lines that I'd be transfered, so I'm only looking at this as a little reprieve, but I think I'll be back with the Hmong at some point.  There's still a lot to do and I hope I can come back and work with them again. 
  Speaking of President Donaldson leaving, our new mission President is President Clayton from Utah! (go figure) But, the big news is that he's Elder Ballard's son-in-law...so follow the logic and you'll figure out that Sister Clayton is his daughter.  Crazy eh?  She's already said to expect A LOT of visits from him and in fact we have one later in July where he wants to meet all the missionaries so I'll let you know how that goes. 
  Well, I've got to get going, lots of things to do today.  I'll send the pictures with names.  Hope everyone is well, and I love and miss all of ya'll!!
Elder Wise

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