Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Letter from 7-19-11

Dear Family,
  First off, happy birthday to Dad and to Grandpa Wise!!  I'm sorry I didn't include it in my last e-mail, things were busy that day.  Well, my new area is in the San Diego 1st ward!  I cover Old town, Downtown, all the way to city heights.  I'll let you do the research on what kind of area I'm in...needless to say I think the Lord is having fun putting my in interesting places.  My companion now is Elder Kanuch, yes the same one that I came out with.  We're getting along great, and we're having fun at the same time.  We're finding too that we've got a lot more in common that we previously thought.
  We're spending a lot of our time right now going back over refferals we've recieved and former investigators, just trying to build the area back up.  Something cool that happend the other day though was pretty cool.  We were walking back to our apartment after grabbing some food from down the street and we just started talking to a guy that was walking next to us.  We just started asking questions then Elder Kanuch asked him if he was religious.  After that question we got his information and permission to call him and stop by and teach him.  He soaked up everything and it's just further proof that the Lord has prepared people for us to teach, we just need to open up our mouths and speak.
  I'm kinda jealous of everything that's happening with the family, but I know I've got some work to do still.  I love each of ya'll and miss ya'll dearly.
Elder Wise

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