Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Letter from 6-28-11

Dear Mother,
  This past week has been pretty good.  Elder Insong and I have commited to making these last couple weeks of the transfer the best, so we've been trying our hardest.  We're a little sad that President and Sister Donaldson are leaving us this Wednesday, but we're excited to have President and Sister Clayton coming.  I'm looking forward to learning from him for the rest of my mission.
  Good news though, Martin was Baptized!  After months of deliberation he went to a Mission President's fireside and came up to us afterward and said he was tired of not making a decision.  I've also heard that he's been ordained a Priest and he's already gone to the Temple to perform Baptisms for the Dead.  I've been so excited for him since.  I'll send some pictures home as well as a video and pictures of me performing the Haka.  We did it I think a week ago for President.  But pictures are coming.  Oh, and tell Chris and Becky when they get home that I ran into Elder and Sister Woodbury out here.  The Church is a small world.  Thanks for all you do mother and tell dad as well.  Thanks for still teaching me.
Elder Wise

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