Monday, September 19, 2011

Letter from 8-23-11

Dear Mom and Dad,
  I'm so sorry for not sending an e-mail or that letter last week.  As you guessed things have been a bit crazy here in SD, and there's so much for me to tell you, but some of it's probably going to have to wait.  But let me just say I've never been so stressed in my life, so to speak.
  Elder Kanuch and I have been way busy in our area, I've actually received about 10 times the amount of referalls here than I have my entire mission, mostly because we have the Mormon Battlion visitor's site (which by the way if you ever come here before I'm home you MUST go through, it's better than Sea World and it's FREE!!!!  If not we're going when we come back.) and because our Ward Council is FINALLY getting rolling.  When we're not contacting nonmembers we'll text members of the Ward Council and they ALWAYS have names for us to go visit.  It makes it easier on us, especially since we don't tract at all.  Good thing I never have to go through that little experience.
  Dad asked a bit about Elder Kanuch so to sum him up I'll say this.  He's Tongan, 320 lbs., going to play for BYU and he has one of the humblest testimonies I've ever heard. Anything else?  He truly cares about the people and you know he loves the Lord everytime he speaks.  On top of that he's one of the most selfless people I've ever met.  Already have an idea of what I can learn from him.  We get along pretty good, still have our ups and downs, but we're working at it.  Oh and he says "What's up?"
  Last Sunday we had an opportunity to teach an investigator, named Veronica, in the home of the 2nd councilor in the Bishopric and she is awesome!  She found the church through the yellow pages and the Church unemployment, but after meeting with our Bishop once she's been attending Sacrament meeting on her own for the past 3 weeks!  When we were talking with her on Sunday we invited her to read the Book of Mormon and she said yes right away.  We just talked about reading to know the truth for herself and not because we were telling her and she completely aggreed.  So, we're excited to see where she goes in the near future. 
  There's soooooo much more that I want to tell you, but I've got to wait a bit.  My knee has been acting up and that's been slowing me down a bit, but I love this work and there's nothing else I'd rather be doing at this point in my life.  You know, it's wierd sometimes admitting that parents are right, but ya'll are.  I love ya'll very much and miss ya'll dearly.  In just a few months I'll have been out a year and it doesn't even feel like it.  Still feels like I'm going to wake up tomorrow morning and fly to Salt Lake to go to the MTC.  I can't wait to show ya'll how much I've grown.  I wish you could see.  Give EVERYONE hugs and kisses from me, and I PROMISE I will send a letter this next week.  I know I've been bad, but that's something I'll still need to work on.  I didn't say I was perfect right?
Elder Sean Wise

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