Monday, September 19, 2011

Letter from 7-26-11

 Dear Family,
  How has everyone been?  Things have been going great for the two of us here in the San Diego 1st Ward.  We've been spending a lot of our time contacting refferals we've received from Church HQ, The Mormon Battalion, etc.  But sadly not very many people are opening their doors or their hearts, so we've been pressing on.  I don't think I mentioned this last time by my new companion Elder Kanuch is Tongan!  He's from West Valley, Utah, but his mom is Tongan and he lived there for a bit.  So it's nice to have someone who stands 5 inchs taller than you and outweighs you by your entire weight, expecially in this part of town.  Things can get a little bit crazy...But in answer to a question Mom posed both of us are "senior-companions".  It's kind of nice to make decisions together instead of just having to follow the lead of someone. 
  But the ward is totally AWESOME!  I'll send some pics of one of the families in the ward, the Maun family.  They're from the Marshall Islands and they're our "missionary Family" A unique calling I've never heard anywhere else, but basically it means they make sure that the missionaries have a family to look to when they enter the ward and when we need some people to teach.  Their oldest son Wallace is meeting with the Bishop tomorrow to start his mission papers, but overall his family is amazing!  And the rest of the families in the ward are sweet as well.  We've got an interesting ward, one that I can learn a lot from.  There's a range of ages in the ward, and we get A TON of visitors every sunday.  It makes it a little hard to learn and remember who actually lives in the ward, but I'm trying hard.
  Well, my days in San Diego are going by fast.  Even with 70-80 degree weather, which is spoiling me by the way, we get out and about and meet lots of people.  We don't tract in the mission though.  Most of our finding is done through members or street contacting, I think since there's another religion that does tract, people are starting to get annoyed...hence my companion had someone pull a gun on them at the door before he found out they were missionaries before I got here, so like I said, an interesting people, but I love them. 
  I guess to wrap up I'm inviting everyone to write down a list of non-members they know then go out this week and serve them or share your testimony with them.  What we do here as missionaries isn't inviting people to a club, or just to some other church, we're inviting people to partake of the Atonement of Jesus Christ by proper Authority and in the only way that can be on the face of the planet.  Members are the true missionaries and you have no idea the impact that you have everyday on friends and neighbors.  Pray for oppotunities to share the Gospel, pray to recognize those opportunities, and pray for the courage and faith to act upon those opportunities.  Help bring our Brothers and Sisters back home.  I love each and everyone of you and I pray for ya'll everyday.  I know that the Lord answers prayers, and that he knows us personally.  With the Lord on our side, ANYTHING is possible.
I love you,
Elder Wise the IV

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