Monday, September 19, 2011

Letter from 8-30-11

 Dear Mom and Dad,
  WHAT?! THE PAHFREYMAN'S WERE HERE AND THEY DIDN'T SAY HI?!?!?!?!?!  The Mo-Bat is just on the edge of my area, it would've been amazing to see them! Oh well, a lot of things in this life we miss out on for better things.
  Well this last week has been a good one.  Elder Kanuch and I have been very active with contacting people, but unfortunately that's not been going so hot.  Dad asked though one thing that was going well with missionary work here and I'd have to say it's working with Ward Leaders/members.  We don't do any tracting in our mission, so most of the "contacting" if you want to call it that is done through referrals we've received from the Ward Council or ward members, or directly from Church HQ itself.  Missionary work is no more about how many doors we "knock", no offense to our good friends the JW's though.  They have a good purpose, even if their doctrine might be a bit...misguided.  Hahaha, a little inter-faith rivalry sorry, comes with the territory.
  OH, before I forget, I've got two questions.  One is, if ya'll find it could I get my Red Cross first aid book sent to me please? I was helping a member the other day that had passed out in church and I realized that I've forgotten a lot of stuff, and I don't like that.  Especially if I want to get into the Medical field, that doesn't bode well for me.  The second question do you cook a turkey???  The Marshallese family in our ward asked me if I could cook one for a party they want to throw and I realized that I hadn't watched mom do the whole process...sorry the Turkey Bowl always took prescedence over cooking!  So, if you could give me the details of the process so I can cook it, that would be amazing.
  Well, the mission is being a mission.  There's ups and downs, highs and lows, but we continue to push on.  If there's one thing to tell people for mission prep dad, it's that missionary work is WORK.  It's just like a job sometimes, we wake up, get ready, then go through the same routine looking for different results.  You know, now that I think about it, that's the definition of Insanity.  I guess that means we as missionaries are insane, which makes sense.  Why else would we leave the "comforts" of home to sometimes foreign countries to talk to people about God and Jesus Christ?  Best advice? read Preach My Gospel, it's revealed truth for Missionary work in our day.  Also if you can get it look for the MTC devotional that Elder Holland gave while I was in the MTC.  ONE OF THE BEST EVER!!!
  Well, gotta go, things to do for p-day.  Give everyone Hugs and Kisses from me!!!!
Elder Wise

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