Monday, September 19, 2011

Letter from 9-13-11

 Dear Mom,
  Last week was pretty good.  We've just been doing a lot of walking lately, trying to find people.  On a good note though, Lami, the boy I was talking about, has a Baptismal date for next Sunday!  So, we're really excited that we'll have a baptism before the end of the transfer.  Oh, by the way, tell dad that the program they're "piloting" in Santa Clara was piloted in our mission last year and that's what we've been doing since I've got here, so I've got a little idea of what they're doing.  Hahaha.
  It's good to hear that Jon and Cristina are taking a break.  It would be better if they took a break on the west side of the continental United States...but oh well, I guess Hawaii is a good second.  I miss the little ones.  I'm surrounded by a lot of little kids in the ward, so it's tough obeying the white handbook and not holding them or anything.  I miss them sooooooooo much, and tell them that too would you?
  Well, I've got to get going.  Lots of things to do today.  I thought I had explained MTE my first or second transfer?  It stands for Missionary Training Exchanges, we go for half a day on Monday for training, then we go with a "coach" which is a missionary in a leadership position, for the rest of the day and he helps us become better missionaries.  Then we exchange back on Tuesday, have another half day of training then go back to missionary work.
  I love each of you, and continue to pray for you everyday.  Have a great day and give everyone kisses for me!!!
Elder Wise

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