Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Letter from 1-3-12

Dear Mom,
  Lake Poway is AWESOME!  The actual lake isn't all that big, but the ward area sure is, and the members are just amazing!  We've been having dinners every night so I've had the opportunity to meet many of the ward members and get to know them.  They are so missionary minded and so kind to us, I really want to stay here for as long as I can.
  Lake Poway is part of the Poway stake, one of the largest in the mission actually.  The stake Presidency actually has a vision of being able to split the stake within the next year and a half to two years, so we're really excited to help that progress.  We've set a goal of seeing five people baptized before the end of the transfer, so please pray for us, we're trying our best.
  Elder Taumalolo is actually from New Zealand.  His parents are from Tonga, but he's lived in New Zealand most of his life.  He's actually trying to teach me some Tongan, so we're having fun with that.  He's a great guy though and a wonderful missionary.  He really wants to be obedient, so that's a major plus in this work.  He also has an amazing testimony and he loves the work.
     Well, that's pretty much it for this week.  We've been working with a lot of less actives in the ward and we're trying to add some part member families to our teaching pool.  I'll attach some pictures from New Years eve, and please don't ask about them, just take a look then "move along, move along".  Well, love ya'll and hope you know that!

Elder Wise

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