Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Letter from 9-20-11

Wow Dad, I must say those glasses and that hairdo are definitely classy!
� Well, Lami's Baptism did go through!� It was an amazing Baptism, his uncle performed the actually ordinance, but his parents were there, as well as many members from the ward, so there was a ton of support.� Next week will be his confirmation and we're way excited for it.
� As far as working with the Ward�council I'll send you a sheet that we were given that details all of that.� It's basically everything that the Brethren spoke about at the new mission president's training, just shortened and outlined.� I'll send it home in a letter for you, it should explain pretty much everything.� But we attend Ward council pretty much every week, but it depends on the Ward council itself.� If they want us there to give a report, then we'll be there and visa versa.� But we keep in contact with them throughout the week seeing what we can do to help them out, and seeing if anyone's been on their mind.� It's a pretty tight-knit relationship, have to have LOTS of trust.
� Well Elder Kanuch and I are doing great!� Next week is transfers, again, so we're a little worried cause we feel like one of us will be leaving.� I'm pretty sure both of us will be training though because 10 elders are leaving and 17 are coming in.� That's enough to open up a few new areas, which we need to do.� But we're teaching a lot and learning a lot.� I have plenty of cool things to share with ya'll once I get home, there just to sacred and personal to share otherwise.� Other than that we went to the Temple today so the next time I'll be able to go will be in December, which should line up perfectly with what Mom was saying about your quarterly temple attendence as a family.� I'll let ya'll know exactly when I'm going when it gets closer to that time.
� I hope all is well on the job front.� Something a member brought up that I was thinking about was: have your thought about any administration jobs in the Medical field?� I'm sure you've been looking, but it's just a thought.� Give my love to everyone, and a big hug and kiss to go along with it!
Elder Wise

Oh, and by the way, you remember President Thurston (sp?) right? The Mission president for home?� Well, he's apparently good friends with the Clayton's, so they were down here two weeks ago spending time with them and I got to meet them.� He said he'd say hi to President Riding for me when he saw him in October...needless to say I can't get away with anything now, President has a directline to my stake president...Hahaha just kidding!

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