Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Letter from 11-24-11

So...ya'll actually decided not to just lease the home and you're selling it? Well, I kind of prepared myself for that eventuality.  I can't help but see the Lord's hand in this, but to quote the Mormon Battalion video, "Sometimes faith is needed to make a decision.  Sometimes it's needed afterward."
  Well, this week has been pretty great.  We've been really trying to find new investigators, so in an effort to do that we spent yesterday morning going through the entire list of formers and seeing who we felt impressed to try and re-contact.  Needless to say out of a list of over 70 people, we narrowed it down to about 42.  We've had our work cut out for us recently.
  I've been spending a lot of time recently though really pondering on the Atonement, especially on how it relates to Missionary Work.  I actually ran across a talk given by Elder Holland entitled: Missionary Work and the Atonement...coincidence? I THINK NOT!  Since I've studied that talk it's really brought forward how that is really what we are doing.  When we ask what are the first things a non-member should do, it's not Baptism or any of the commitments from the first lesson in Preach My Gospel, it's to have Faith in Jesus Christ and Repent.  All of those commitments lead towards those two outcomes.  A scripture that's really been coming to mind recently too is in 2 Nephi 33:6-7.  This Scripture really sums up how I've been feeling recently and the things I'm trying to accomplish.  Who would've thought that Nephi was such a smart dude?  Or should I say "inspired"?
  I don't have much time this week, but know that I know that I'm serving the Lord and loving every minute of it.  I'm so thankful to be out here serving him and I pray that my service may be acceptable in His sight.  I love each and everyone of you, and know that I pray for ya'll daily.  I look forward to the day when I see each of ya'll again.  "May the good Lord bless and keep you".  I know the Savior lives, and I know His Atonement is real.  I know He loves each and everyone of us, and He wants to see us again.
Elder Sean Wise

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