Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Letter from 10-11-11

Dear Mother,
  I've been GREAT!!!!  Things have been going really great here in San Diego.  Elder Dennison and I are getting along just wonderfully, and the work is progressing at amazing speeds!
  A typical day in the life of Elder Wise huh?  Well, I guess we start out the day pretty much like everyone else.  Get up, work out (or lounge it depends on the morning we're having), get ready for the day, then have an hour of personal study and then an hour of companionship study.  After that, we head out on our bikes.  We set a goal to catch up on all of the referrals that we've received, so we decided to contact 4-5 referrals a day.  So in the process of that we either have to go to downtown, old town, Hillcrest, or stay in North Park for a few hours and contact people.  We come back to the apartment sometime during that to have lunch, then we head back out for either more contacting, or if we have an appointment with someone we head there.  I'm really getting to know the bus system really well in this area.  As far as teaching anyone new we actually have a few people.  First off is a lady named Roseanna.  She was a referral from a member up in Penasquitoes who told us she had a friend that lived Downtown that wanted to talk with the missionaries, so of course we went over pretty quickly.  She's in her 50's I'd say, and she moved here from Indiana.  At first it just seemed like she was coming to the church for just temporal aid, but after talking to her for awhile, and not a little help from the Spirit, we found out that she was looking for a church that was a "family".  She was getting pretty emotional at this point, and I won't go into too much detail, but I started smiling and I told her that that was exactly what the Gospel of Jesus Christ was about, and what our church is about.  I told her that she had a loving Father in Heaven who wanted her to return to live with her heavenly family and she immediately started smiling and told us she wanted to come to church and experience it for herself.  She wasn't able to this week because of health problems, but we have another lesson with her this Saturday and we're going to teach her some more.  Other than that we have a few other miracles as well.  A family moved into the apartment right next to the Marshallese family in our ward and guess what? Not only are they Marshallese as well, but they are realated to our members, AND they were taught somewhat in English where they had moved from, so we were pretty blessed, and the Lord had his hand in this.  Last night we taught them for FHE with the Mauns and we got the entire family with a Baptismal date for 10-30-11!  5 people with a date in a single night!  I'd call that a miracle what about you?!?!?!  One last little miracle then I'm done:  Sunday night after church we were downtown and waiting at the bus stop after contacting a few people.  A guy came up to us saying that he had been raised "Mormon" and said he was wondering where the church was.  We gave him a pass along card with the address on it and he said he'd try to come on Sunday then walked off.  About 10 minutes later a young man, about 23, came up to us and said he was also a member of the church, but he was the "black sheep" in the family.  He said he'd been raised in Saint George, but had gotten into some rough spots and had found his way to SD.  He said that he'd always known it to be true, but he just had a lot of things getting in the way of him and full communication with the Spirit.  After talking with him awhile we gave him a copy of the Book of Mormon and asked if we could stop by some time and just read with him a bit.  He got really excited and said we could stop by whenever we want, just give him a call first.  So, I will hold my position that miracles do indeed still occur in this day and age. 
  Well, that's pretty much how my life has been going.  Fun huh?  Well, thank ya'll soooooooooo much for everything ya'll do and all the support you give me.  I LOVE YOU!
Elder Sean Wise

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