Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Letter from 9-27-11

Dear Family,
  Facebook is an amazing tool, as long as you can stay away from farming...President Donaldson actually commited each of us to "friend" both him and sister Donaldson on Facebook once we leave the mission, so I'm definitely going to stay in contact with him.  I really do miss the two of them.  They helped me in more ways than I can count.
  Well, six weeks are over and it's time for another transfer, so the verdict is (drumroll please):  I am staying in the San Diego 1st Ward and Elder Kanuch will be leaving.  So, at least for the next six weeks I'll be here helping the wonderful people of this ward bring people unto Christ.  Dad, you asked about what we did to build trust with members?  I guess it's got to do with the "teaching people, not lessons" aspect of missionary work.  We are ourselves, but we're also missionaries.  We're friends with the members, but we always make sure that we have the Spirit with us.  I wouldn't call it "hanging out" with members, but there's also no reason why we can't enjoy the peace and friendship that comes with that.  I think that missionaries focus too much sometimes on "being the missionary" that they lose sight of who they are and what their personality is.  When Gordon B. Hinkley's father said, "Forget yourself and go to work", he wasn't talking about being this robotic person that only ever cares about numbers, or about what we "should" be doing.  It means forgetting the things of the world and bringing your "self" to the work.  Let me explain what I mean: If I can impact a member of the ward, by being a friend to them just as much as I impact an investigator then why not spend some extra time with a family getting to know them, and in return showing them that you're a person that they can trust to know their friends and teach them.  I think that's got so much to do with building trust is that the members get to know "us".  Now, that doesn't mean you have a right to mess around and goof off, but this is where you "put off the child, and become the man".  I still joke sometimes with members, and I still have fun, but they always know that I am a missionary and that I have things to do, but they get to know me.
  Other than that things are still great.  Mother I received your card, thank you so much.  Lami's uncle was actually the one who Baptized him, and his extended family has been GREAT at fellowshipping him.  I still here from time to time about the Hmong branch.  I miss them and I hear that the missionaries can't actively teach there any more.  Just go around and check on members and such.  I think it can be sooo much more, but who knows.  I miss each and everyone of them, I'll take you to meet some of them when we come back to visit. Well, I've got to get going. I forgot my camera so I can't send any this week, but I will next week.  Give my love to everyone!
Elder Wise

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