Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Letter from 12-21-11

Dear Mom,
  Thanks so much for your e-mail!  I know I've been bad at communicating, but I look forward to them every week.  The time has been going by fast.  This morning I dropped off an Elder at the airport to go home and I realized that that's what makes missionaries "trunky".  You get so old in the mission that no one else knows missionaries that you spent most of your mission around.  But, that's a part of life, all things end in time.
  Speaking of things ending with time, it's transfers! I actually found out this morning that I'm going to be transfered out of the San Diego 1st Ward.  Yes, it stinks that I'm going to be transfered right before Christmas, but I guess that's a testament to things needing to be on the Lord's time and not on ours.  The Lord just needs me to be serving somewhere else for a time, so I will happily go where He sends me.  Though it does get a little scary at times, I guess that's a part of coming to "Trust in the Lord in ALL things".  So, I don't know where I'll be for Christmas Day, but I promise I won't be calling till about 1:30 my time.  Who knows, I might have some news that Paul and Neijon got married and Baptized on Sunday!  Keep them in your prayers if you would please, we have faith to see a miracle.
  I'll be good and not open any packages I get till Christmas, but you know how I am with gifts, especially at Christmas time.  I have a ton of photos to send ya'll, but that'll have to wait till next week, because I forgot my camera today.  I love ya'll very much and I hope ya'll are keeping the "Spirit of Christ" in your lives!
Elder Sean Wise

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