Monday, September 19, 2011

Birthday Lunch

I am well aware of the fact that Sean's birthday was 2 months ago and that I am very late in posting these pictures.  My apologies.

These are pictures from when Sean went to Red Robin with his district to celebrate turning 20!

Letter from 9-13-11

 Dear Mom,
  Last week was pretty good.  We've just been doing a lot of walking lately, trying to find people.  On a good note though, Lami, the boy I was talking about, has a Baptismal date for next Sunday!  So, we're really excited that we'll have a baptism before the end of the transfer.  Oh, by the way, tell dad that the program they're "piloting" in Santa Clara was piloted in our mission last year and that's what we've been doing since I've got here, so I've got a little idea of what they're doing.  Hahaha.
  It's good to hear that Jon and Cristina are taking a break.  It would be better if they took a break on the west side of the continental United States...but oh well, I guess Hawaii is a good second.  I miss the little ones.  I'm surrounded by a lot of little kids in the ward, so it's tough obeying the white handbook and not holding them or anything.  I miss them sooooooooo much, and tell them that too would you?
  Well, I've got to get going.  Lots of things to do today.  I thought I had explained MTE my first or second transfer?  It stands for Missionary Training Exchanges, we go for half a day on Monday for training, then we go with a "coach" which is a missionary in a leadership position, for the rest of the day and he helps us become better missionaries.  Then we exchange back on Tuesday, have another half day of training then go back to missionary work.
  I love each of you, and continue to pray for you everyday.  Have a great day and give everyone kisses for me!!!
Elder Wise

Letter from 9-6-11

Dear Mother,
  I'll make sure to keep y'all in my prayers when y'all attend the temple.  I'll also try and reserve my last attendance of the year for a Tuesday in December.  It would be nice to attend the Temple "with" y'all at the same time.  I just wish you could come here and go through the Temple here.  It's SO beautiful!  I'm having thoughts about just telling my future wife that we're going to be married here, no exceptions, but I guess that's not how it works huh?
  Well, things are going well here again.  We had MTE again these past few days, so P-day is tomorrow, I just get to e-mail today.  The mission has been focusing a lot on Obedience and how it affects everything, and I still remember Dad telling me before I came out that only through being obedient do I see success, and let me tell you it shows.  It's hard, but the sacrifice is worth it a lot of the time.  We're teaching an 11 yr-old right now that is the nephew of the Marshallese family in the ward and he's so ready for Baptism.  The first time we taught him one of the first things out of his mouth was, "when can I be Baptized?", tell me that isn't a missionaries favorite thing to hear?  We've been so excited to teach him!
  Other than that things have been good.  We finally got some rain today and it's been making things a bit more humid, which I have to admit I miss actually.  Elder Kanuch though wouldn't be able to take the heat.  It's kinda funny, for being Tongan he hates the sun and he can't stand anything over 70 degrees.  It makes me laugh to hear him talk about it.  Well, I've got some pictures to send so I'll get on to that, hope ya'll got my letter!!!
Elder Wise

Letter from 8-30-11

 Dear Mom and Dad,
  WHAT?! THE PAHFREYMAN'S WERE HERE AND THEY DIDN'T SAY HI?!?!?!?!?!  The Mo-Bat is just on the edge of my area, it would've been amazing to see them! Oh well, a lot of things in this life we miss out on for better things.
  Well this last week has been a good one.  Elder Kanuch and I have been very active with contacting people, but unfortunately that's not been going so hot.  Dad asked though one thing that was going well with missionary work here and I'd have to say it's working with Ward Leaders/members.  We don't do any tracting in our mission, so most of the "contacting" if you want to call it that is done through referrals we've received from the Ward Council or ward members, or directly from Church HQ itself.  Missionary work is no more about how many doors we "knock", no offense to our good friends the JW's though.  They have a good purpose, even if their doctrine might be a bit...misguided.  Hahaha, a little inter-faith rivalry sorry, comes with the territory.
  OH, before I forget, I've got two questions.  One is, if ya'll find it could I get my Red Cross first aid book sent to me please? I was helping a member the other day that had passed out in church and I realized that I've forgotten a lot of stuff, and I don't like that.  Especially if I want to get into the Medical field, that doesn't bode well for me.  The second question do you cook a turkey???  The Marshallese family in our ward asked me if I could cook one for a party they want to throw and I realized that I hadn't watched mom do the whole process...sorry the Turkey Bowl always took prescedence over cooking!  So, if you could give me the details of the process so I can cook it, that would be amazing.
  Well, the mission is being a mission.  There's ups and downs, highs and lows, but we continue to push on.  If there's one thing to tell people for mission prep dad, it's that missionary work is WORK.  It's just like a job sometimes, we wake up, get ready, then go through the same routine looking for different results.  You know, now that I think about it, that's the definition of Insanity.  I guess that means we as missionaries are insane, which makes sense.  Why else would we leave the "comforts" of home to sometimes foreign countries to talk to people about God and Jesus Christ?  Best advice? read Preach My Gospel, it's revealed truth for Missionary work in our day.  Also if you can get it look for the MTC devotional that Elder Holland gave while I was in the MTC.  ONE OF THE BEST EVER!!!
  Well, gotta go, things to do for p-day.  Give everyone Hugs and Kisses from me!!!!
Elder Wise

Letter from 8-23-11

Dear Mom and Dad,
  I'm so sorry for not sending an e-mail or that letter last week.  As you guessed things have been a bit crazy here in SD, and there's so much for me to tell you, but some of it's probably going to have to wait.  But let me just say I've never been so stressed in my life, so to speak.
  Elder Kanuch and I have been way busy in our area, I've actually received about 10 times the amount of referalls here than I have my entire mission, mostly because we have the Mormon Battlion visitor's site (which by the way if you ever come here before I'm home you MUST go through, it's better than Sea World and it's FREE!!!!  If not we're going when we come back.) and because our Ward Council is FINALLY getting rolling.  When we're not contacting nonmembers we'll text members of the Ward Council and they ALWAYS have names for us to go visit.  It makes it easier on us, especially since we don't tract at all.  Good thing I never have to go through that little experience.
  Dad asked a bit about Elder Kanuch so to sum him up I'll say this.  He's Tongan, 320 lbs., going to play for BYU and he has one of the humblest testimonies I've ever heard. Anything else?  He truly cares about the people and you know he loves the Lord everytime he speaks.  On top of that he's one of the most selfless people I've ever met.  Already have an idea of what I can learn from him.  We get along pretty good, still have our ups and downs, but we're working at it.  Oh and he says "What's up?"
  Last Sunday we had an opportunity to teach an investigator, named Veronica, in the home of the 2nd councilor in the Bishopric and she is awesome!  She found the church through the yellow pages and the Church unemployment, but after meeting with our Bishop once she's been attending Sacrament meeting on her own for the past 3 weeks!  When we were talking with her on Sunday we invited her to read the Book of Mormon and she said yes right away.  We just talked about reading to know the truth for herself and not because we were telling her and she completely aggreed.  So, we're excited to see where she goes in the near future. 
  There's soooooo much more that I want to tell you, but I've got to wait a bit.  My knee has been acting up and that's been slowing me down a bit, but I love this work and there's nothing else I'd rather be doing at this point in my life.  You know, it's wierd sometimes admitting that parents are right, but ya'll are.  I love ya'll very much and miss ya'll dearly.  In just a few months I'll have been out a year and it doesn't even feel like it.  Still feels like I'm going to wake up tomorrow morning and fly to Salt Lake to go to the MTC.  I can't wait to show ya'll how much I've grown.  I wish you could see.  Give EVERYONE hugs and kisses from me, and I PROMISE I will send a letter this next week.  I know I've been bad, but that's something I'll still need to work on.  I didn't say I was perfect right?
Elder Sean Wise

Letter from 8-2-11

Dear Mom,
  My week has been pretty good, but it's been slow at the same time.  We've really just been focusing of contacting people, and unfortunaly not very many people have been home.  I've mostly just got pictures to send this week.  I did have an opportunity to really see how Priesthood keys were exercised within the church when we got to hear from Elder Ballard.  Oh and did I mention I got to shake his hand as well?  I don't think I'll ever wash it again unless I'm going to shake another Apostles hand.
  Give people my love.
Elder Wise

Letter from 7-26-11

 Dear Family,
  How has everyone been?  Things have been going great for the two of us here in the San Diego 1st Ward.  We've been spending a lot of our time contacting refferals we've received from Church HQ, The Mormon Battalion, etc.  But sadly not very many people are opening their doors or their hearts, so we've been pressing on.  I don't think I mentioned this last time by my new companion Elder Kanuch is Tongan!  He's from West Valley, Utah, but his mom is Tongan and he lived there for a bit.  So it's nice to have someone who stands 5 inchs taller than you and outweighs you by your entire weight, expecially in this part of town.  Things can get a little bit crazy...But in answer to a question Mom posed both of us are "senior-companions".  It's kind of nice to make decisions together instead of just having to follow the lead of someone. 
  But the ward is totally AWESOME!  I'll send some pics of one of the families in the ward, the Maun family.  They're from the Marshall Islands and they're our "missionary Family" A unique calling I've never heard anywhere else, but basically it means they make sure that the missionaries have a family to look to when they enter the ward and when we need some people to teach.  Their oldest son Wallace is meeting with the Bishop tomorrow to start his mission papers, but overall his family is amazing!  And the rest of the families in the ward are sweet as well.  We've got an interesting ward, one that I can learn a lot from.  There's a range of ages in the ward, and we get A TON of visitors every sunday.  It makes it a little hard to learn and remember who actually lives in the ward, but I'm trying hard.
  Well, my days in San Diego are going by fast.  Even with 70-80 degree weather, which is spoiling me by the way, we get out and about and meet lots of people.  We don't tract in the mission though.  Most of our finding is done through members or street contacting, I think since there's another religion that does tract, people are starting to get annoyed...hence my companion had someone pull a gun on them at the door before he found out they were missionaries before I got here, so like I said, an interesting people, but I love them. 
  I guess to wrap up I'm inviting everyone to write down a list of non-members they know then go out this week and serve them or share your testimony with them.  What we do here as missionaries isn't inviting people to a club, or just to some other church, we're inviting people to partake of the Atonement of Jesus Christ by proper Authority and in the only way that can be on the face of the planet.  Members are the true missionaries and you have no idea the impact that you have everyday on friends and neighbors.  Pray for oppotunities to share the Gospel, pray to recognize those opportunities, and pray for the courage and faith to act upon those opportunities.  Help bring our Brothers and Sisters back home.  I love each and everyone of you and I pray for ya'll everyday.  I know that the Lord answers prayers, and that he knows us personally.  With the Lord on our side, ANYTHING is possible.
I love you,
Elder Wise the IV

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Letter from 7-19-11

Dear Family,
  First off, happy birthday to Dad and to Grandpa Wise!!  I'm sorry I didn't include it in my last e-mail, things were busy that day.  Well, my new area is in the San Diego 1st ward!  I cover Old town, Downtown, all the way to city heights.  I'll let you do the research on what kind of area I'm in...needless to say I think the Lord is having fun putting my in interesting places.  My companion now is Elder Kanuch, yes the same one that I came out with.  We're getting along great, and we're having fun at the same time.  We're finding too that we've got a lot more in common that we previously thought.
  We're spending a lot of our time right now going back over refferals we've recieved and former investigators, just trying to build the area back up.  Something cool that happend the other day though was pretty cool.  We were walking back to our apartment after grabbing some food from down the street and we just started talking to a guy that was walking next to us.  We just started asking questions then Elder Kanuch asked him if he was religious.  After that question we got his information and permission to call him and stop by and teach him.  He soaked up everything and it's just further proof that the Lord has prepared people for us to teach, we just need to open up our mouths and speak.
  I'm kinda jealous of everything that's happening with the family, but I know I've got some work to do still.  I love each of ya'll and miss ya'll dearly.
Elder Wise

Letter from 7-12-11

But Mom, I'm not supposed to open mail on non-P-days!!!  Hahaha, the other elders wanted to know and I couldn't wait so I opened it, sorry!  Well, my birthday was good and I've got some more news.  I'm actually getting transfered tomorrow.  I'm a little bummed about not staying in the Hmong, but I think I'll be back soon.  Sounds like dad's been having an interesting time seeing the inner workings of missionaries throughout all the world. 
  Well,  I've had an interesting week.  My knee started acting up and hurting so I had to go to the doctor to find out what was wrong.  Don't worry, everything's ok, my knee is just being dumb.  I've got things to help now so I'm going to get back to work.  I don't have my camera with me, but I've got pictures of stuff that's happened.  Hmong has been coming along nicely.  I'm able to speak a little bit more, I'm going to ask President if I can continue to study it after I'm transfered.  I've gotta get going, I promise I'll send some experiences next week!
Love ya'll!
Elder Wise

Letter from 7-5-11

 July 5, 2011
Dear Mother and Family,
  Thank ya'll so much for the box and the digital picture frame.  I love ya'll soooo much and I'm happy to see all the wonderful things ya'll have been up to.  Mother, I wish I could've been there to hear you sing, I miss it A LOT!  Everyone, give each other big hugs and kisses from me, and I'll be greatful.
  Well,  this last week has been pretty slow.  We really didn't get much time yesterday for Independence Day, we had to be in by 6, but we got some work done.  I won't be able to see fireworks though for two years, let alone hold some, so I'll be excited for that.  I've got some pictures of another Hmong family that I'll send, but things are kinda wrapping up here.  I spoke with President Donaldson before he left and he said something along the lines that I'd be transfered, so I'm only looking at this as a little reprieve, but I think I'll be back with the Hmong at some point.  There's still a lot to do and I hope I can come back and work with them again. 
  Speaking of President Donaldson leaving, our new mission President is President Clayton from Utah! (go figure) But, the big news is that he's Elder Ballard's follow the logic and you'll figure out that Sister Clayton is his daughter.  Crazy eh?  She's already said to expect A LOT of visits from him and in fact we have one later in July where he wants to meet all the missionaries so I'll let you know how that goes. 
  Well, I've got to get going, lots of things to do today.  I'll send the pictures with names.  Hope everyone is well, and I love and miss all of ya'll!!
Elder Wise

Letter from 6-28-11

Dear Mother,
  This past week has been pretty good.  Elder Insong and I have commited to making these last couple weeks of the transfer the best, so we've been trying our hardest.  We're a little sad that President and Sister Donaldson are leaving us this Wednesday, but we're excited to have President and Sister Clayton coming.  I'm looking forward to learning from him for the rest of my mission.
  Good news though, Martin was Baptized!  After months of deliberation he went to a Mission President's fireside and came up to us afterward and said he was tired of not making a decision.  I've also heard that he's been ordained a Priest and he's already gone to the Temple to perform Baptisms for the Dead.  I've been so excited for him since.  I'll send some pictures home as well as a video and pictures of me performing the Haka.  We did it I think a week ago for President.  But pictures are coming.  Oh, and tell Chris and Becky when they get home that I ran into Elder and Sister Woodbury out here.  The Church is a small world.  Thanks for all you do mother and tell dad as well.  Thanks for still teaching me.
Elder Wise

Letter from 6-20-11

Dear Mom and Family,
  First off Happy Birthday to Stephen on Friday!!  I had it written down in multiple places so I wouldn't forget.  I hope you have a great Birthday!  I'm writing a little later this afternoon because this morning we went to the Temple.  It's only been my second time while being here in San Diego, and I'm sad that we can't go more often.  It's such a wonderful place and I love being there.  There was two couples in our session as well that were being sealed to each other tomorrow so it was great having them there and congratulating them afterward.  I'm pretty sure that I'm going to have to take Ashley's idea and get married here.  This Temple is just tooo beautiful.
  Well it's been just wonderful hearing from each of you.  Things have been going alright here in California, we've had our ups and downs, but we still carry on.  One thing that impresses me everyday is how involved President Donaldson with each of us.  Elder Insong and I were having a tough time the other day, so we called President for some help.  After talking with him for a bit I came to a realization: When we focus on ourselves, no matter what it is, whether it's getting along, or anything else, instead of focusing on helping others receive ordinances of salvation the work suffers and as a result we don't like it.  Keeping an "eye single to the glory of God" is the only way that this work can be done with any cheerfulness in heart and truth be told with ALL of our "might, mind, and Strength".  After realizing that and really trying to internalize it I understood why though I try to be cheerful everyday, it was tough trying to throw off the adversary and his attempts to halt this work.  And it's not just with Missionary Work.  It's for every day of our lives.  Just like when Peter took his eyes off the Savior and " But when he saw the wind boisterous, he was afraid; and beginning to sink, he cried, saying, Lord, save me."  He saw the sea crashing around him, or in essence, the sound of the world yelling out at him, and taking his eyes off the Savior for a second, he started to sink.  The same Peter who was sent in the beginning, and the same Peter who knew that Jesus was the Christ by it being revealed by the Father took his eyes off the Savior and began to sink.  How much more of a need have I to keep my eyes on the Savior and stay "walking on water"?  I guess now that I know at least some things, as President Heber C. Kimball said, "You can't sin so cheap no more."  I am greatfull for each and everyone of you and I am thankful for a Savior who has deemed me worthy to represent Him here with the people of California.  I can't express enough gratitude everyday for the Plan that our Father gave so that all of us can return to live with him again.  I love each and everyone one of you and miss you. 
  Tell Madison good job on her recital, I love the pictures they are adorable.  I'll be the envy of Elder in the mission because I have the cutest girl back home!  Give everyone else big hugs and kisses for me!
Elder Wise

Monday, June 20, 2011

A few pictures

Here are some recent pictures from Sean:

scriptures that have been put to good use

new food experiences

a Hmong family he is teaching

Letter from June 14, 2011

Hi Mother,
  How are you? How did things go this last week? Have you been able to sell any homes recently?  I hope so, just hearing from members here work stinks, so I hope it's better for you there.
  Work has been good.  It's had it's ups and downs, but it's been pretty steady.  We've been really busy, mostly trying to find people to teach, I don't know why people don't want to listen.  It amazes me that people really can't seem to understand what is really important in this life, and that they haven't done those things to enjoy it.  I mean, is it really so hard to want to live with our Father in Heaven again and do those things so that we can?  It's EASY, but I don't know why people can't get it.  Though, that's why I'm out here I guess, and why I have to "open my mouth, and speak with a loud voice".  Just be bold.  Hey, at least a life skill that will come from this I won't be so embarrassed about asking a girl out now!  So, all those years of training finally paid off! 
  The Branch and the Ward though are just amazing!  I love the Hmong people, and I'm thankful so much for them.  They've taught me a lot and I'm truly greatful for being here.  And then the San Diego 10th members are just great!  Most of the members are older so I feel like I'm surrounded by a bunch of grandparents everytime I'm there.  It's nice sometimes to be spoiled, but I've got a purpose.  Well I hope everyone is safe and that all is well.  Give Nathan and the little ones kisses for me and tell everyone I love them.  I'll write some letters today to go along an e-mail.  I love everyone and love hearing what's going on in the family.  Love ya'll and hope all is well!
Elder Wise

Letter from June 7, 2011

Dear Mother,
  Last week went great!  We had an opportunity to have one last MTE with President Donaldson this past Thursday and Friday, and have I sad how much I love my mission President and his wife? They are great people, and I'll miss them dearly when they leave after this transfer.  President Donaldson has really changed my mission and I'm bound and determined the rest of my life as well.  It's been great serving here and I'm sad to say that it's hard for me to show or tell you how much I've been growing, but I've been working hard on those Christlike attributes.  Oh, and by the way I didn't forget that ya'lls anniversary is tomorrow, that Nathan turns 16 on Thursday or that it isGrandma Horne's birthday on Friday.  I wrote everything down in the Calendar that you gave me and I've been good about keeping on track with important dates.  I am thankful very much for the choice that you and Dad made to start a family, and for all that you've taught us, especially me, while growing up.  Though it may seem that we aren't listening at times, we are.
  Well, things are going good.  We've been really working with our branch and ward leaders to help missionary work hasten.  And on top of that we've found a new investigator in the Hmong community.  It's actually the son of a member who was never Baptized, but that now wants to.  We've had two lessons with him and he now has a Baptismal date for July 2nd.  You know, there is something extraordinary in being bold and following the Savior's admonition to "lift up your voices with the sound of a trump".  And I know it's true, there is overwhelming evidence that it is, and besides the witness of the Spirit I've received, it's true.  And it's sooooo simple.  Faith, Repentance, Baptism, Receiving the Gift of the Holy Ghost, and Enduring to the End, that's the Gospel, that's the Doctrine of Christ, that is what I'm out here teaching people.  Not extending a hand of friendship just for another church, or a "club", but I'm extending salvation unto exaltation.  That's what it is, nothing else.  That is what this work is about, truly how important this work is.  And I love it, there's nothing else like this in the world.  Maybe ya'll will get a glimpse of what has been going on here with me, but Mother, just to quote Elder Bednar here, "I just want to be a good boy".  I love you Mom, and of course Dad as well, but I love this work, I'm changed and I don't want to change back, I refuse to.  I'll write ya'll next week with probably some more pictures.  You can send this e-mail onto family, and if you want post this one, it's up to you.  Tell Nathan and Grandma happy birthday and give him kisses from me.  Also give Jaxon kisses for last week.  I'll be sending a letter too, so expect that in the mail.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Letter from May 24, 2011

Dear Mother,
  I know how your missionaries feel.  Elder Insong had Pnemonia two weeks ago, and I had a bad sinus infection last week, so we were pretty unhappy.  But, all is better now, and we're getting back to work.  Transfers are tomorrow so I'm excited to see what's going to happen.  We're having A LOT of good Elders going home, including my Trainer Elder Ipsen, but he's coming back this weekend and so we'll see each other.  I think I almost have him convinced to room with me at BYU when I get back.  That'd be fun.  I found out the other day that in order to be a tranier for big sports teams I've got to go to medical school, so we might have a doctor in the family yet! I'll wait till I hit my year mark then I'll start praying about it.
  Things are going pretty good.  The language is coming along nicely....sorta. I can read the language ok, but speaking and understanding it are coming a little slower, which is normal for something like this.  But, we've got some more work to occupy us in another Ward, the San Diego 10th, we're now responsible with some other Elders for that area.  I'll start getting some pictures of me and some members.  That's one thing I forgot to get in Lemon Grove, but I've got some time to get back there and get some. 
  The works going great though.  I love the people, and I'm eating a lot of interesting food.  I think one of the members wants to feed me chicken feet so I'm probably going to get some pics of that. Other than that, things are great! I'm loving the mission, and it's only getting better.  I'll let ya'll know what happens with transfers next week!  Give everyone hugs and kisses for me, especially the birthday boy!!!
Elder Chaj Li
Nyob Zoog!
  How is everyone?!  It's been a little while since I've sent a family letter, but some stuff has actually I guess it's warranted. 
  Things have been going ok here in San Diego.  Along with the Hmong Branch I'm now also serving in the San Diego 10th Ward so we've got plenty of work to do!  I'm tired everyday which is good, according to President it means I get the work, so I'm tired.  Other than that things are ok with the Hmong.  The language is still a little iffy.  I can read it ok, but other than that it's pretty hard to understand and speak it still.  I can say a few phrases, but it's still tough.  I love the Hmong, and it's funny to have the little mis-communication that comes when trying to communicate, but it's a little frustrating at the same time. 
  Things are great though, it's weird thinking that I've almost been out for 6 months, I'll hit 6 this next transfer.  It's going by soooo fast, and it feels like it's been no time at all.  Soon enough, I'll be stepping off the plane, but not until I do all the work that the Lord wants me to do.  I'm excited to be here, and it's sad to see all the missionaries leaving, including my trainer who leaves actually today, but I've got some work to do. 
  Can't wait to hear from ya'll and hope that the Birthday Boy has a great day!!
Elder Chaj Li 

Letter from May 17, 2011

Nyob Zoog Mother (<- Means Hello),
  This week has actually been a slow one for us.  Elder Insong got Pnemonia last week, so we stayed in almost the entire week, and then I've picked up a head cold I'm guessing from him, so this week so far has been slow as well.  But, never fear, I still have plenty of medicine, and wonder of wonders since I'm in the states I can get more!
  Other than that things have been going ok.  We have a few people in the Hmong community we're teaching and then we're focusing on trying to find people in the other Ward in which we're serving now as well, so we've got plenty of work to do.  Missionaries have only been back in the branch for about two transfers before I got here, so things have been untouched for a long time.  I don't have any pictures of members yet, but I'm planning on taking some this next week. I've got some more to send this week as well, so you'll catch up on stuff I've been doing. 
  Love ya'll and hope everyone's doing well.  Give everyone hugs and kisses for me!
Elder Wise4

Friday, May 6, 2011

Another note from a friend

Paul Norris, a friend of the Horne family, is currently serving in the stake presidency of the Chula Vista Stake in San Diego.

Debbie - I did hear about the transfer, we had stake conference a couple of weeks ago and at dinner President Donaldson related how when he and his wife were making transfers, they both felt the inspiration to make such a transfer and then when made both elders had also had the spirit whisper to them prior of the pending change. Your son is doing the Lord's work and he is close to the spirit and is doing marvelous things. The only down side is he probably won't make transfers to our stake when his language skills among the Hmong branch. But - there are always the Mission President's firesides and we are in the rotation of hosting every few months. The alignment of the mission boundaries is tremendous, we will be losing about half of our missionaries to cover the new wards and stakes, but that is ok - the north county also needs to be called to repentance... President and Sister Donaldson are winding down their mission, they leave June 30. They have quite busy and great work has been accomplished, the new Presidency will take us even higher. Paul

Letter from May 3, 2011

Dear Mother,
  Things are going ok.  We've been pretty busy with all the changes going on in the mission.  We actually just took over two areas from the Carlsbad mission the Pensaquitoes and Poway stakes so we've been scrambling to get missionaries up there and to figure out how things will work with taking over two new zones so things have been fun. 
  Things have been going ok in the Hmong branch though.  We've just found out as well that we're going to be helping out in another ward so we're scrambling to figure out what we're going to do.  The language is going ok.  It's a little hard to pick up, but I've actually found that's it's been easier to learn than when I took Latin in high school, probabaly because it's so tonal and I've had a little training in learning tones (a.k.a Choir).  My companion right now is Elder Insong who is from the Philipines.  He's a pretty cool Elder and we've been working hard on figuring out how to work together better. 
  Concerning Mother's Day though, I've actually found out that we're allowed to Skype!  So, it's quite possible that if I find a member who has Skyping capabilities that I'll be able to see ya'll not only talk to ya'll.  If I can, I'll call first to get it set up and I'll let ya'll know right then.  But, I'm planning on calling about 5 o'clock our time so it'll be about 7 ya'lls time.  So, expect a call from California about that time.  You'll know it because it'll be a 619 area code.
  That's pretty much it, I'm still waiting for pictures of my new niece, whom I am very excited to see.  But, if you could just let everyone know that I'm doing good and that I could use some heavenly help learning this language than I'd appreciate it.  I promise that next weeks e-mail will be even better, with lots of pictures as well!
Elder Chaj Li (<-- That's my Hmong name FYI, you don't say the last letter, it's the tonal indication it's said Cha Lee)

Friday, April 29, 2011

Letter from April 26, 2011

Dear Family,
  Ok, so first I guess I should say happy anniversary Ashley and Josh, I hope ya'll had a wonderful day yesterday! Also, Happy Birthday to Madison tomorrow, I hope you have a wonderful day! And now it's time for the rest of the story.
  So, most of ya'll know that I'm now a Hmong missionary, but I'd thought I'd enlighten you a little bit about them and about what I'm doing here.  So, the Hmong people are originally from China, but then immigrated to Laos.  During the communist take over they hid in the jungles and then swam across the river into Thailand whenever they got a chance.  Most of their lives the Hmong people have been the dust of society and their name for themselves in Hmong, means "free people" so they've always settled in places where they could be themselves with their own culture.  Mostly in the mountains in Laos to be out away from people and then split up here across the country.
  With that being the case my mission boundaries extend from the international border to the top of the Carlsbad mission, because their are so few Hmong people here in California.  Our branch has about 25-30 members in it but most of them are inactive because they only joined the Church for the welfare program.  Elder Insong and I are the only ones responsible as well for trying to teach and reactivate them and their families, so it's a tough job.  Interestingly enough though we found out that I was the only one allowed to have language study to learn Hmong since we just took over two areas from the Carlsbad mission and added them to our own, so Elder Insong might be leaving me soon and I'll have to learn the language with the help of some members that speak English pretty good and are just excited to teach us their language.
  A lot of the work is reactivating members, but there are two referrals we received earlier this week that we're planning on contacting today after meeting with Elder Perry.  It's tough though because a big part of their culture is drinking and smoking so the Word of Wisdom is a big issue that it's hard to change among the people, but we're working hard and relying upon the Lord for lots of help.
  Well, I've got to get going, today I get to meet and Apostle so I'm pretty excited to get going, I hope everyone is well, and I'm still waiting for pictures of my new little niece, whom I hope is healthy and well!  Hope to hear from ya'll soon!
Elder Wise4

Exciting News: Letter from April 19, 2011

Dear Family,
  Ok, so time for some big news!  As most of ya'll know last week was transfers and I'm now serving in my new area, so drum roll please!...I'm now a Hmong (pronounced Mong) missionary!  My area covers both the San Diego and Carlsbad missions and my companion Elder Insong (who is from the Philipines) get to learn the language.  So I am now serving a foreign mission on U.S. soil.  I'm in a new culture, new language, new foods and everything! I'm so excited!  And what's even cooler is I knew that I was going Hmong before President Donaldson announced that I was.  But, that's an experience I'll wait to share till I'm off my mission. 
  Other than that I'm so happy to hear about my new niece!  Make sure you give her lots of hugs and kisses for me!  Next week on Tuesday we'll be meeting with Elder Perry so P-day will probably be on Monday or Wednesday.  I hope all is well at home and give everyone hugs and kisses.
Elder Wise4

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Letter from April 12, 2011

Hello from California! 
  Things have been going well here in the sunshine state!  The work is going great and things are looking up for us.  This month we actually have three Baptisms!  One is for Nathan, another is for the adopted sons of a Less active member we've been teaching.  Their names are Anthony and Ashton Hayes, and the third is for a new investigator we taught for the first time last week named Donna.  We commited her on the first lesson and she said yes!  We're excited for the decisions they're making in their lives!
  Today is acutally a sad day as well.  It's the day before transfers and Elder Ipsen and I found out this morning that our area is actually going to be "whitewashed" which means both of us are going to be transfered out and brand new missionaries are going to take over.  We don't know where we're going to be transfered yet, but we'll find out tommorow and I'll tell ya'll next week.  All I know so far is that neither of us will be training, so we're just waiting to see now, but both of us have to pack everything up tonight which is pretty sad. 
  Other than that things are great.  I'm totally LOVING my mission and I'm glad that I'm having the experiences daily that I'm having.  Thank you all for your prayers and your thoughts and know that ya'll are in mine daily!
Elder Wise4

Letter From April 5, 2011

Dear Family,
  What a wonderful weekend we just had!  I so much enjoyed hearing from a Prophet and Apostles of our God.  I hope ya'll will go back and listen and read their talks again, I know I will when I can. 
  This week I thought I'd share a spiritual experience with you that I had just this last weekend.  After the second session of General Conference Elder Ipsen and I took our second companionship study.  We have an hour extra because of the new training and towards the end Elder Ipsen asked me to practice for one of our Investigators Pamela.  During the practice it just seemed like I was going no where.  Every question I asked just seemed to rebound off of "Pamela" (portrayed by Elder Ipsen) and I was at a loss.  Finally, I just stopped talking.  I sent a prayer Heavenward asking for help.  Almost immediately I heard a voice in my mind and in my heart saying, "Peace my Son, for I am with thee."  I recognized this not only as a passage of scripture, but as a direct communication from my Father in Heaven.  After receiving this message I felt prompeted to speak, and the question that came from my lips was not of my own devising, but of a Heavenly source.
  I am greatful that I have a Father in Heaven who knows me, knows of my troubles and is there help if I only ask and seek that help.  I am doing His eternal work, and I know that this is where I should be. 
  I hope all of ya'll are safe and that everything is going great!  Hope to hear from ya'll soon!
Elder Wise4

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Photo Time

Below are pictures of Adelina Gonsales, Sean's first baptisim. 
 Here is what Sean said about the day: "So last Sunday was the Baptism of Bibiana Adelina Gonsales the daughter of a recent convert Sister Lusson!  She asked Me to Baptize her! ME!  A fumbling, bumbling almost 20 year old who was so afraid I'd forget the words, or drop her in the water, or have to repeat everything, but what do you know, when the moment came to perform the ordinance I didn't even think, I just did and the words came and everything went perfect!  The Lord's hand is in everything we do and it is sooooo evident that he wants this work to get done." 

Sean with Adelina and her family.

The elders who helped teach Adelina's family: Elder Blatter, Elder Ipsen, and Elder Wise

And here are some pictures of what missionaries do when they aren't out teaching:



more service


play basketball

take pictures 
This picture is of a fire hydrant that exploded near Sean's home.

Letter from April 1, 2011

Dear Family and Friends,
  Well, I guess I should start off with a song to my big brother.  "HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR JON!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!!"  Well, I guess in three days, but it's close enough right?
  Things have been going good in old Lemon Grove.  We've been focusing on finding new investigators and so far last week we've found one!  His name is Glenn and we actually street contacted him right around the corner from our duplex so he's really close to us.  He's a great guy in his mid to late fifties who is pretty open to hearing the gospel.  We're looking forward to teaching him later this week. 
  The weather has finally turned nice, it's been raining for about three or four days, and I've finally gotten over being sick too, so I think Heavenly Father is telling me to get to work!  I hope everyone is doing great and I hope to hear from ya'll soon!!
Elder Wise4

(Just as a side note, Jon's birthday is actually MARCH 7.  Not trying to make Sean look bad, but I don't want to confuse anyone.  It was a nice thought :)

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Letter from March 22, 2011

 Dear Mom,
  You're kidding me?! Casey Ward's boyfriend was baptized and I wasn't there?!?!?! That's disappointing, I wanted to be there, oh well the Lord needs me here for now.  ...
  It's been raining the past few days, but the sunshine has finally returned.  I'll make sure to take some pictures of P-day today, it should be an interesting one...we're having a basketball tournament between some of the zones and ours is pretty fired up about it.  I think some people have even gone and gotten jerseys...Oh, two points of interest I'm looking forward to:  May 1st Elder Bednar is coming to speak at the Sweetwater Stake conference so if I'm not transfered before then I get to meet him! And, on April 26th Elder L. Tom Perry is coming to meet with both the Carlsbad and San Diego missions so I get to go up to Del Mar and meet him! Two Apostles within the space of a few days? Who knew we were so blessed?!
   And lastly, there was a promise that President Donaldson told us when we first arrived that has really helped me stay here.  He told us that when he was getting set apart he heard a very specific blessing pronounced upon him.  President Monson told him that if he served faithfully that the Lord would bless him with the best missionaries he had to offer, and that we would do more to hasten the work of the Lord in these last days than any other group of missionaries.  That blessing has shown me that I am where I am supposed to be.  I have been prepared by him to serve here in San Diego, and that I will bless many of our Father's children while I am here.  I am where the Lord WANTS and NEEDS me to be.  I am my Father's child and, to quote Jesus Christ, I am about my Father's business.
  I love you Mom and hope you and everyone else know that I pray for you daily.  I miss ya'll, but I'm not quite ready to see ya'll again yet.  I've got some work to do, and some miles to walk before I can see ya'll again.
Elder Sean Michael Wise

Monday, March 21, 2011

A note from a friend

Debbie got this note yesterday from a friend of hers that lives in San Diego.  He lived in Virginia near her family while she was growing up.  He's in the Chula Vista Stake Presidency.

From Paul Norris:

Met Elder Wise this evening at the Mission President's fireside - I asked one of our elders where he was, he was practicing in the Primary room "Oh That I Were An Angel" with several elders. Listened and then introduced myself when they finished (forgot to bring my camera...), he is looking good and happy. Their number was the closing song of the fireside, tremendous!! You have a great, faithful son and we hope someday we will be fortunate to have him within our stake - you've done good!!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

March 15, 2011

For Family:
  A new day, a new week and a new family letter!  I hope all of ya'll are enjoying life and glorying in our Heavenly Father who loves us.  These past weeks have been going by a bit slower than normal.  Lemon Grove has become my dusty little home, but it seems like my brothers and sisters just don't want to talk to me.  I must be the outcast in the family, who knew right?  We seem to be finding people that we can't talk to, not out of unwillingness on their part, but we can't speak their language...I really should learn spanish.  We hand them off to the Spanish Elders than go on our way finding more souls who's worth is great in the sight of our God. 
  These past two days we've been having a traning meeting with our area and another area called an MTE, which stands for Missionary Traning Experience.  What happens for this training is we get the chance to hear from and most importantly learn from President Donaldson in the mornings than go out the rest of the day and really apply what he taught us.  Companionships are given a "Coach" from another companionship that goes along on an exchange with them to help them really aply the principles taught.  I was fortunate enough to be sent on exchanges with another Elder who is in the same training program as I.  We were in the same district in the MTC and it was interesting to see how different our training has been going and how much each of us have learned.
  I want all who read this to know that I have a Testimony of the things I am teaching to others.  I know that I have a loving Father in Heaven who loves me dearly and wants the best for me.  I know he wants his children to return to live with him again and I know that all can do so as they accept the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ and follow his example.  I know that we have a Prophet on this earth who recieves divine inspiration and that he does so on a daily basis.  I know that if we pattern our lives after his and after the Saviour's that we will not only become happier, but we will have a peace that nothing else in this world can provide for us.  I know the Book of Mormon to be the word of God and as it says in the introduction, "a man can become nearer to God by abiding by its precepts than any other book," and that it is the "most correct" book of any now published on this Earth.  I know, and I know that God knows it and I will NOT deny it for ANY reason. 
  I am loving this work to which I have been called and I know that I will continue to do so as I keep my purpose in mind and as I, as I have dubbed it, keep the "Three L's" of missionary work.  I am Loving the Lord, I am Loving my Companion and I am most definitely Loving the People of San Diego.
Elder Wise4

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

More pictures

Sorry for the long break between posts.  Sometimes things just get a little bit crazy!  I WILL do better.  I promise!  I am glad to know that people other than Dave, Debbie and I are reading this, though!

Anyway, I'm posting some pictures that Elder Wise has e-mailed us.  I have also posted his letters from March 1 and March 8.  There was not a family letter on February 22.

Elder Wise and his mission president, President Donaldson.

Elder Wise with all the other newbies.

Elder Ispen, Sean's companion, and Elder Wise with Serena.  Serena asked the missionaries to baptize her.

Serena with her grandmother (left) and mother (right).  Serena's mother is a member, but her grandmother is not.

Baptisim of Jayden.  Jayden is the son of a recent convert.  Elder Ispen baptized him and Elder Wise confirmed him. 

Barbeque at the Lusson's.  Sister Lusson is a recent convert.  Sean had the opportunity to baptize her daughter. 

They may be missionaries and eagle scouts, but they still can't resist messing around with fire!

March 8, 2011

So let's see here, where to begin?  Ok, so last Sunday was the Baptism of Bibiana Adelina Gonsales the daughter of a recent convert Sister Lusson!  She asked Me to Baptize her! ME!  A fumbling, bumbling almost 20 year old who was so afraid I'd forget the words, or drop her in the water, or have to repeat everything, but what do you know, when the moment came to perform the ordinance I didn't even think, I just did and the words came and everything went perfect!  The Lord's hand is in everything we do and it is sooooo evident that he wants this work to get done. 
   Well, right now things are going ok, we're finding new people and we have about two people with a Baptismal date right now.  I'm tired all the time, but I'm having soooo much fun!  President Donaldson says that the reason we're tired is because we get the work, and we feel the responsibility that we have.  If that's the case then my body knows something that my mind is having a hard time catching up with!  Hahaha, well I love each and every one of you and I can't wait to see ya'll in TWO YEARS!!!  RWH!
Elder Wise 4

March 2, 2011

  This last week has been amazing!!!  While it didn't seem like we have been teaching as much as we need to, Elder Ipsen and I have about 5 new investigators that we're planning on teaching this next week!  We've also given two Baptismal dates for two of our investigators.  One to Nathan for the 23rd of April (A long way out I know, but that's when he said he felt he would be ready), and one for Adelina this SUNDAY!!! AND SHE ASKED ME TO BAPTIZE HER!! Can you tell I'm excited?!?!?!?!  Hahahaha, I love my mission.  We took Pamela to the Temple last Wednesday for a lesson and she LOVED it.  She really is a choice spirit.  She called us yesterday, and it just so happened that it was my day with the phone, so I got to talk with her, but she started asking a question about 1 Nephi I believe chapter 13 v. 33-34.  While I was explaining the verses to her over the phone I hear her say, "Ok, that makes sense, that's where I am now, and if you had just made me read v. 35 to the end it would've answered all of my questions".  She heard me laughing on the other end and asked if I was laughing at her, she loves to joke with me, and I said that I wasn't laughing at her, I was happy because even though we never told her, she's already begun to apply the scriptures to her and she's receiving personal revelation from them.  We're planning on inviting her to be Baptized tomorrow so hopefully we'll have two this month!!
  Well, that's basically been my week, it's had its high and lows and the torrential rain fall we've had hasn't been helping matters, but it's been sunny and warm these past two days, and today was just too perfect a day not to go to the Temple, so we went through an Endowment session this morning.  And Ashley, I'm sorry, but I've decided to get married in the San Diego temple so....HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! You'll just have to wait till I'm sealed there! Hahaha, things have really been going great and I love receiving mail from ya'll.  Keep your eyes out, there should be some letters in the mail from me soon!
Elder Wise4